Top three top fives

Aug 07, 2009 20:50

Top five potential fandom uses for Odorama.

1. Boston Legal. I'm not generally a fan of perfume/cologne on either gender, but a finely crafted (read: exorbitantly priced) fragrance that has been chosen to blend with the wearer...*salivates and slides to the floor* In my mind Denny smells like a girl's wet dream. A Pavolvian whiff heralding his arrival on screen would make my life almost perfect. Tho I'd be spending a lot of time in my bunk.

2. Star Trek: TOS. Not really much to do with it, but they could make an awesome promo with Obsession and then sell yet another reissued set of disks at twice the price of the last upgraded set of disks.

3. Deadwood. Of course any pre-public sanitation and regular bathing fandom would be similar, but there is something about that thoroughfare muck. On the first warm, ripe day after the sping thaw. When many horses have passed. And then there's Chinatown! And Al's cheese cutting balcony.

4. Law and Order: CI. Beat Goren (or pregnant Wheeler) to solving the clues!

5. Julie & Julie. Jumping ahead here, yes, but is there any better use for scratch n' sniff than a food fandom? And not enough people know Tampopo, so...

Top Five Monk Episodes

1. The 100th episode. Sara Silverman's portrait of fandom has to be one of my fav moments on TV. Ever. Plus Howie Mandel as the cynical cult leader with the wicked sense of humor. Plus Leland and the hole in the wall to keep Adrian. And TS's wife RL wife! Loved everything about it. Brilliant feed the fans TV.

2. Mr. Monk and the Actor. I have no words to describe how fantabulous the other Monk was and how engaging it was to watch his evolution of a Monk.

3. The Willie Nelson ep. The radio broadcast with[out] the clarinet was one of the most sublimely uncomfortable scenaros ever filmed, yes, and watching Willie and the arrest and marijuana jokes were great and all, but mostly I love it for the way it goes from the usual inanity to the Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain that comes out of nowhere and rips your heart out.

4 The One where Randy Quits on Principle and [Sorta] Ends Up in a Rock Band and Stottlemeyer Begs Him to Come Back. Oh, the Randys of the world!! Oh, the love!

5. The One Coming on Now! BRADYMONK ZOMG!

Top Five Reasons for Seeing the New Sherlock Movie

1. I predict that for the subsequent couple months, it will be nigh impossible to be an Internet fandom denizen without having seen it.

2. Guy Ritchie is a transcendental genius (with a wicked wit)!

3 To prove Michael Medved so wrong that nothing else need be said.

4. Victorian costume flicks automatically win regardless of content.

5. Maybe we'll FINALLY find out about the parsley and the butter!

BL, of course gets its own post. After Monk. :D


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