Oct 02, 2008 15:11
I've arrived safely in Seattle.
I've always known that I don't like traveling alone and I started thinking about the reasons why on the trip out here. Mainly because I had a lot of free time on my hands given that there wasn't any outlets in the cars that I was traveling in and my laptop battery died rather quickly. This comes down to two basic things
1) I like another person there to be a buffer between me and having to be an extrovert. I didn't realize how 'on' I feel when surrounded by people that I don't know. Better yet when my seat mate tries to make conversation with me - especially when all I want to do is read/ listen to podcasts.
2) Is the fact that I usually get daily touch. While most of the time it's high quality cuddling with sweeties, even when just with friends the majority of the people I hang out with like hugs or hand holding or something. I haven't gotten anything like that in almost forty hours and am getting a little cranky by it.
I'm here and got keys from my friend, food, a shower and an internet connection so I'm taking some time to be alone. Plans for the rest of the day include a nap and then going out dancing.