(no subject)

May 17, 2009 00:31

Yay! I had a fabulous day. I cleaned my apartment and then threw a little dinner party to celebrate the fact that I'm done with the DVD. I made lemon chicken, mashed potato casserole, and brownies. It was so awesome. We discussed Twilight and came to the conclusion that Bella is a mutton sandwich. Also piranha are just slightly more extreme than feminists, but Extreme Wheel of Fortune would be awesome.

I love my friends.

West side people are going tubbing on the Shimanto River on the 30th and I can't go because I have my last cooking class that day! Damn my cooking class! I want to go tubbing really, really badly. Well, I don't think I'd tube. I think I'd swim it. I swam Rainbow River, I can probably swim Shimanto too (at least Shimanto doesn't have alligators.) Daaaaaaaaamn it. It's kind of crazy how sad I am about this. Boo.

I wanted to talk a little bit about my risky plans for the future, but after doing the dishes, I'm ready to crawl into bed. Tomorrow I'll do some laundry and maybe go on a bike ride. I'm so happy I'm done with the DVD! Free time, you are mine once again.


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