Oh, I See

May 27, 2008 13:25

You know, only one kind of word can describe the morning I had: splendid.

These kinds of words aren't used very often unless in a sarcastic sense. Splendid is the kind of word only Mary Poppins can say with a straight face. Another word that has been forever tagged by sarcasm is "terrific." Also, "fantastic." You simply can't say those words in regular conversation without sounding like an ass.

Why? Why do we do this to our words? We take perfectly good words and twist them to mean the exact opposite of what they originally meant. If "splendid" were an animal, it would be a freak with five legs and six hooves and its mouth on its butt.

Yeah. Think about that before you go to be sarcastic. Think of the words.

But I digress. I really did have a splendid morning. Almost the entire school is out today for some kind of mass sports day competition. The only people left in school are those that aren't in a sports-related club. Which means I get to have a class full of the smartest, most hard-working kids. Heh. "Good morning" is immediately reciprocated in kind, questions don't get blank stares, and nothing needs to be repeated.

I feel the love.

In just a few minutes, however, I'm off Tokano Elementary. I'm going to try a new vocab drilling technique with the 6th years that I hope goes over well. Last year I remember there being some really apathetic kids in that class and I'm afraid that the apathy may have had time to lay a firm anchor in the kids over spring break. もういや!元気になってくれ! I can't take it! Please get excited for me!

Before that, though, I have a 1st year class. Oh, the cuteness is overwhelming, but I so loathe self-introductions. The kids sure do like my American money, though. It's so cool. And it "smells weird." Yep, invariably I get that comment. Kids love to smell my money. Well, better my money than some other stuff.

Okay, it's about time to head off. Will it be doom or boom?

Neither of those seem very good. If only "doom" rhymed with "awesome." Damn you, English.

Edit (4:20 pm): Instead of making another entry, I'm just going to tack onto this one.

Elementary went really great! The 1st year kids were crazy as usual. They ask so many questions and I have no idea what they are talking about. I nod and say 「そうですね~?」 a whole lot. And sometimes I know that's not the right thing to say because they look at me like, "What are you stupid?" Um, yes. Yes I am.

After my self-introduction (yep, my money still smells weird,) we played "Hello, Hello, Goodbye!" which is exactly like "Duck, Duck, Goose." They loved this game and it was perfectly easy. I also taught "Nice to meet you" and I was so happy when a lot of the kids came up to me after class, shook my hand, and said, "Nice to meet you." I also signed pencil cases, notebook covers, and even a book bag or two until my wrist felt like it was going to fall off.

The 6th years, too, went great! They were a little "bleh," but I got them going by using a new vocab drilling technique. I'd drill the vocab outright for a few rounds (which is totally "bleh," but unfortunately necessary.) Then I put all of the flashcards up on the board expect for one and I ask them what's missing. Then I take them all back down and leave out two, and so on until they have to name them all. After that, I put them all back up on the board and go one-by-one asking each student down the line, "What's this?" and point to a card at random. And I time it. God, timing is the best technique I've discovered yet. They love trying to beat their best time! And I get them to yell out the numbers in English. It's great fun.

I had a good game for this lesson, too, but we ran out of time! D: I really do have to be better about keeping the drilling short.

Anyway, that's all! I planned on heading to Zoe's to work on the Genki video, but she hasn't called me yet... I wonder if that's still on.

Woo! Stuff!

humor, teaching, sakawa, elementary, wisdom

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