May 27, 2004 06:00
Please be ever so kind to scroll down to May 21 and read my Smallville entry, if you watch the show and/or have any particular interest. It took me a week to get posted; I'm just too lazy to copy and paste, yo.
Have I mentioned that I LOVE Adam? Even though he's human and all and let Jane down in a really big way. But it's an interesting and very plausible twist they came up with to make her doubt herself and God. The most compelling element of the show for me has been Joan's complete faith; she may not understand, she may not want to obey, but she does. This was particularly striking for me in "The Uncertainty Principle" (which reruns this week) when God tells her to ask the school psycho to the winter dance; and she gives him a look, gets up, walks down the hall, and asks him. I've gone to church practically every Sunday for the past twelve years, and it took five of those years and a good head-thumping before I started to take some pretty strong hints in my life. Joan's faith has been impressive.
Juliedarling and I sometimes argue about Joan's attitude toward God, when she is snide or rude or yells at him. But I love it; it makes me laugh because I don't think it's disrespectful to God as much as it shows our all-too-human frustration and angst when things don't go the way we want or think they should. Anyway, God can handle it. If you can't rage against God, whom can you?
In other news, I love Luke and Lorelai. Luke is also a man of great faith - decide what you want, and pursue it. Plus, they just fit. That's what I was thinking during their lovely kissing scene (which, thanks to the magic of TiVo, I can watch 42 times without wearing out a tape :)
It was a pretty disappointing season this year, but I am ever hopeful that good TV still exists in the minds of men (and can be executed properly by some great women, yo.)