Oct 31, 2005 14:26
For starters. Happy Halloween. I'm missing the guessing game of ERiks costume for his annual party. I know this is his fav season of the year (or it's darn close or was before he "found the world of women") anyhoo. I miss his costume and that stuff. I'm also bugged about the lack in real Halloween spirit. SAdly, it's becoming more and more of a Hallmark holiday. It's original reasoning was to celebrate the awakening of spirits that roamed the earth. When I was a kid, we'd trick or treat ON Halloween, at night (with my parents BTW) and it was totally more spooked up than it is now. WE'd play scary games, share ghost stories, all of that good stuff. Now, it seems like the kids get into it for the candy looting. We'd dress up in costume (if more of it was conjured by your own hand, the better it is), then WALK to the houses in the neighborhood. None of this drive-to-the-houses-because-you-cover-more-houses-that-way bull-crap. It's one thing when the houses are out in the farm regions and it takes a quarter-mile or half mile to walk to each. But then again, you could probably set up some haunted hayride for the kids in those regions and trick or treat in that fashion. Make it a lot more involved. But when houses are all on top of eachother, and the kids are not really caring what they dress up as, just as long as they get a lot of candy, it's no good. I had gone to a halloween party this weekend. It was a good time, sadly, we were hoping for more people, but it was enjoyable for what it was. However, it felt more like a Thanksgiving party in October. We had a ton of food and it erally didn't feel like a halloween party except for the fact that we were mostly parading around in costume. We didn't even have pics taken of us in costume. Okay, maybe a couple of pics, but it wasn't like people really got into it. Had I known that, I probably would've opted for a less involved costume. We watched Alien, which is an appropriate movie, and then played a really cool game Paul brought in. I think it would've been better had we started the game sooner. Maybe if there was some haunting music in the background. *shrugs* I'm just happy we got together, but it felt like there really wasn't the real feel of Halloween. Y-know what I mean? I guess I like that feeling of being scared and restless because the unsettled spirits are out seeking what they lost. Hell, it wouldn've been fun if we played ghost in the graveyard in the backyard. CAll me a kid or whatever then, but it's still fun to relive the holiday for what it really is.
That set aside. I'm feeling cruddy again, and I'm really disappointed in my performance in my founations midterm. I couldn't concentrate during it, and I was actually nodding off during the test!! The info isn't that boring, I just couldn't concentrate! This happened once before in there too, and I'm pretty miffed about it. I wrote my prof to tell her what I thought. I'm just tired, and I want to sleep. I'm not too happy with Mary Kay ATM. It really is a good thing, and I'm sure it could work for me, but I'm beginning to realize that I can't balance that in my life right now. I'm in a state when I and out tot work and earn and grind at the brain to build my profession as an OT. That is where my major focuse needs to be. Maybe some later time, I will be able to continue the Mary Kay Thing, but not now. I need to let Gari-beth know. I feel bad about it, like I'm letting myself fail. Almost like I've given myself an easy out. It just feels too overwhelming for me. It is a confidence boosting career, but maybe I don't have enough of that personal cofidence to boost myself into this. I'm not comfortable doing this. I noticed that they opened a Texan Roadhouse right down the way from me (about a ten minute drive) and that would be a place to work. It's serving again, and that makes me uneasy, but it's a lot of money right away, and that is helpful for me. I'll be picking up an Application tonight. This is hard. I'm scared. I am in desperate need of funds. It's probably a lot worse than I want to admit, but that's where I can start and move off of. By getting a serving job, I'm at least earning something. If the business really booms, then I could be doing REALLY good. Pray that it does. I need the help.