Fic: Worth It (Merlin, Canon AU, Season 2, Lancelot and Guinevere AU)

Dec 22, 2019 21:16

This was written for the 2019 Gen Angst Week Challenge over at the Writer's Guild at discord.

Title: Worth It
Word Count: 2,141
Category: Gen, Het
Pairings: Past Arthur/Gwen, Lancelot/Gwen
Main Characters: Merlin, Gaius
Rating: PG-13
Theme: Hunger
Summary: The greatest of sacrifices are those done in the name of love. Canon AU. s02e04 Lancelot and Guinevere AU. Episode Tag. Diverges from canon.

merlin series, episode au, heartache, past arthur/gwen, angst, lancelot and guinevere au, gen angst week challenge, het, 2019 gen angst week challenge, merlin, gaius, lancelot/gwen, fanfiction, gen, diverges from canon, s02e04 lancelot and guinevere, friendship

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