Fic: Broken Mirror (X-Men Comicverse, Canon AU, AvX Consequences AU)

Dec 22, 2019 21:05

This was written for the 2019 Gen Angst Week Challenge over at the Writer's Guild at discord.

Title: Broken Mirror
Word Count: 2,012
Category: Gen
Pairings: Past Scott Summers/Emma Frost
Main Characters: Scott Summers, James "Logan" Howlett
Rating: PG-13
Theme: Broken
Summary: Scott counted the cracks on the ceiling and waited for his cell to open, for the guards to come and get their daily entertainment. AvX Consequences AU.

mention of torture, off-screen major character death, avx, off-screen minor character death, angst, james "logan" howlett, gen angst week challenge, ambiguous/open ending, past scott summers/emma frost, canon au, scott summers, 2019 gen angst week challenge, x-men, the writers guild, gen, x-men comicverse, au, mention of abuse, avx consequences au, challenge, friendship

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