Man of Steel

Jun 12, 2013 15:15

I'm actually very excited about this movie. About as excited as I was about the Avengers and I don't really get excited or anticipate movies. Not because I'm not interested but mostly because the kind of movies I can get excited about are those about alien invasions and comic book heroes. But it's been a long time since any good alien flicks have been made. And once upon a time, you could trust that when a good actor was in a film then the movie had something to offer. Boy are those days long gone. I was excited about Iron-Man 1, not so much about 2 and 3, nor Captain American, or Thor or the Incredible Hulk (the first one ruined it for me) and most of any of the marvel titles sucked so bad I couldn't stand them, or I liked them despite how bad they were. Then there's the fact that I'm an X-Men fan not so much an Avengers fan, or most of the marvel universe in general with the exception of Fantastic Four, so maybe that had a lot to do with it. Of course with how the comics have pitted Avengers's fans against X-Men fans . . . well no, not that excited. But I watched them and generally liked them, a lot actually. Not IM2, though, that was a travesty on every level. But yeah. I liked them. Also, I love Hawkeye. I love Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye, so I'm looking forward to the next Avengers.

In DC Comics I love Batman, Dick Grayson who was first Robin then Nightwing, Wonder Woman and Superman to a lesser extent. But I wasn't holding my breath when they did the reboots. Mostly because we had Superman Returns which was such a bad movie . . . well, yeah. But then they made Batman Begins and Dark Knight and I was so there again. Now don't get me wrong, I loved the first two Batman Movies with Michael Keaton and Tim Burton at the helm. Those were fun and well, fun. But Christopher Nolan has given DC such a wonderful facelift. Which in turn spread to the comics which had gotten dull and stale over the years. And now, we have Man of Steel which looks like nothing I have ever seen in a Superman Movie. I'm excited and happy and thrill that DC is doing this and doing it right. So happiness. I'm not going to watch it on opening weekend. Mainly because I hate crowds and hate having to find a seat. So I'm going to wait until next Wednesday. It's coming!!!

On a side note: I'm not holding my breath with the new sic-fi movies coming out. You can tell when a movie is going to be bad by listening to the dialogue in the trailers. If it's bad, and editors normally try to get out some of the good parts for the trailer, then you know it's going to suck. Sigh. I miss the good old days when Spielberg could and did make such wonderful movies instead of what's he's doing and producing now. Eck!

critiques, man of steel, movies

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