Dec 26, 2008 11:55
Well, I hope ya'll had a wonderful and happy holiday, whichever that you celebrate. :) I had a fairly decent Christmas, having had 3 big meals over the week...and another one to look to on Saturday. (Yay for split up get togethers!)
I won't give the complete loot list here, but one gift I wasn't really expecting...a black leather trenchcoat. No, I am not joking. Yours truly is now the bouncy owner of her dream coat. It's a bit big, as the shop apparently only had mediums, but I love it. And dang, is it heavy! I'll have to try and get pictures taken sometime. Oh, and I got a pair of fuzzy kitty slippers. xD
I'll say one more thing before I leave for the day. With many of the songs that sing about how on Christmas everyone is suddenly nicer to people, it's easy to forget that charity, kindness, and goodwill are not just one-day specials.
"It is the season of the spirit
The message if we hear it
Is make it last all year." -from The Muppet Christmas Carol
And with that, I am gone...lands to conquer, cities to burn, etc.