Mar 02, 2009 12:46
Tomorrow is my Birthday. I'll be 36 years old. Given the way the last month or so of my life has gone, I really feel like I've earned this Birthday. I might be at Ceremony tonight, because hot dam I need to have some R&R.
Seriously. The crap just seems to keep raining on too many I love and care about, and no exaggeration, it's been hard to take care of just myself, in addition to others in my life that need help as much as I've been needing it. I feel sort of like a Royal Bitch, because I woke up this morning in pain and fear, and then took some of that out on Ro. He's had a tough time too. That wasn't okay. Not even remotely. I know why it happened, but that does not make it alright. I'm lucky he knows I love him, and that I'm sorry.
In any case, here's what I honestly want for my Birthday. Be excellent to someone. I think we're all in a lot of hurt, in one way or another, right now. Times are hard, and every day their seems to be more bad news. And as I saw for myself this morning, it's hard not to be a bit self centered and even unintentionally mean when you're hurt, scared, and running on empty. No mater how hurt, scared, or negatively impacted you are right now, please do something terrific for somebody. Especially someone you don't know. Reach out. If you see someone obviously hurting or in need, at least ask them if they want help. Buy a stranger a cup of coffee, just to be nice. Offer your seat to someone else. Hold the door for someone. It doesn't have to be a big effort, but show someone that you care. I know it's sort of dorky and maybe very Mr. Rodger's Neighborhood of me, but I really think that these sort of simple caring gestures, make a much bigger impact that we can ever count. If you really want to go the extra mile, do this for the next 36 days, one for each year I've been alive. I'm making this post public, and if you want to spread this meme, please do. Be the added color to the people in the world around you. Everyone deserves to have that sort of unexpected small surprise every now and then. Spread the love, and keep the faith.