Apr 09, 2008 11:35
So, I finally caught her in the act. When we first moved here, our mail came to the correct address just fine.
Then a few weeks ago, the mail started getting shoved into the door for the downstairs unit, despite the fact that our address is 24, and the one for the downstairs is clearly marked on the door as 24A. Nice big letters and numbers, highly legible. Apparently our new mail delivery lady is both completely blind and a weakling. I went downstairs to beg her to please, for the love of everything, stop shoving all the mail into the downstairs unit. Her reply was that the door to our apartment was locked. Huh? It's a screen door in front of a door with a clearly viewable mail slot. What's the problem? I demonstrated how the door worked to prove to her that it's impossible to lock our screen door. Holy cats! How can you be a mailcarrier when you a) can't read a letter on a door that is 2 or 3 inches high or b) lack the ability to figure out how a screen door works, or aren't strong enough to operate the latch? The hell? This is not a complicated screen door, nor is it unusual in the way it functions as far as I can fathom. A monkey could open this door. Heck it swings open and closed in the wind with some regularity. Invisible forces can open this frigging door! I was polite to her, but I really couldn't help but sound a bit incredulous. I'm sorry, but if doors confuse you, especially standard doors, maybe mail delivery, in which you have to deal with doors ALL THE TIME, is not the best line of work for you. Frankly, I'm not sure what to suggest as an alternative, either.