I'm having the hardest time grasping that it's May already. I mean, we're already five months into the year - how is that possible? Just yesterday I was marveling at the fact that 2010 was over already!
With this wonderful month comes about four appointments with three different doctors, one of which was the podiatrist today. I had nail surgery on my toe, which is now wrapped in gauze and feeling rather restricted. Just in case y'all were curious.
As much as I'm not looking forward to all these doctor visits, I'm not sad to see April go. I can't say I have too many happy memories to associate with it, and one of the worst days of the year so far also occurred - let me just say, crying in public is not something I want to experience ever again. It's one thing if you're with friends and they give you concerned looks, but when all the strangers passing by are staring at you? Yea, just makes me feel even more like an idiot. I swear, it was the most frustrating day ever. I think I cried three times, all inside the mall with plenty of people around. CAN THIS NOT HAPPEN IN MAY, PLEASE?
At least one happy thing happened in April - I got season two of The Mentalist on DVD for only $20! I was beyond excited when my cousin passed on that she found it for so cheap at Target.
On a more positive note, I'm actually participating in something on LiveJournal! *gasp* Shocking, I know.
I'm auctioning off a fanfic for
helpthesouth to raise money for those affected by the tornadoes in the southeast this past week. My thread is
here if you're wanting to bid on it, and I encourage you to browse around the other categories to see if there's anything else you might be interested in. Those people are really hurting and can use all the support they can get! (I wanted to donate blood or something similar that I knew would be successful in helping out, but I'm not old enough. Meh.)
Here's to hoping May is an awesome month for all of us! It's already looking up with the release of Secondhand Serenade's new EP tomorrow (which I'm currently previewing on AOL Music and it's absolutely wonderful). I'm definitely in my happy place. ♥