Prepare for some massive icon spammage. Well, massive enough for me. I've gotten through 2x02 of Castle, and I have icons to prove it! (I did mention being excited about the unlimited screencapping, yes?)
I didn't do some for every episode and I only included Castle and Beckett (and one or two of Alexis, because I love her), but I covered most of what I've watched. Sorted by season-and-episode number.
I'm mostly putting these up here for storage purposes - because I obviously cannot use all of them - but anyone is welcome to use them if you want to. Just credit me in the comments, please and thank you.
It should be noted that these are all 150x150 as shown here, so they'll be a bit smaller when used.
Spoiler-free thoughts on Castle so far:
Alexis is my favorite. Seriously, I adore her.
I obviously cannot avoid shipping Castle/Beckett - or Caskett, so I hear. That sounds morbid, but at least it's more appealing than Jisbon.
Stana Katic is beautiful. Nathan Fillion is definitely easy on the eyes as well, though I still love me some Simon Baker.
Ryan and Esposito remind of me of Rigsby and Cho. Likewise, Castle and Beckett's interactions and banter are very similar to Jane and Lisbon's.
Basically, this show is everything I love about The Mentalist, but without the dark stuff. (But don't get me wrong - I love the dark stuff.)
I've already seen spoiler pics for some choice episodes of season three, though not willingly, but I'm still really excited to work my way there! There's a lot to like about this show, and the cast is just great!
On a relatively unrelated note,
sirenofodysseus has me shipping Jane/Van Pelt on the side now. They're my guilty pleasure, though not at all canonical. I can't help it, really - the fanfic, asdfghjkl. But rest assured, Jane/Lisbon are still my OTP, for what I hope are obvious reasons.
Sleep? Sounds good.