so yeah, finally took doug bar hoppin saturday. fun night, went to like 7 places and saw people we knew in all but one of them. is that sad? or reassuring? anyways it was funny cause like the 3rd place we went, one of justins girlfriends from like 6th grade was a bartender and he was all infatuated cause she was good looking now. nevermind the fact that he hasn't spoken to her in years. ha, turns out she only works like 2 nights so when we left he's like i'll be there thursday night. doug and i just laughed thinking. "yeah, it'll be funny when go goes there by himself sitting at the bar trying to talk to her when her boyfriend walks in."
anyways, wound up getting a lot of free glow in the dark shit from the miller girls cause i gave justin the heads up to buy miller crap(yuck) cause i saw the miller van outside the bar. so yeah, free beer and glow in the dark crap at that place. wound up getting free cigarettes at baker st.
it was funny cause when the girls asked where doug was from he said england. and then she was like i gave cigs to a guy from there a couple days ago at limelight. so doug and i freaked out and were like "dude we saw that guy there! we were wondering why he had so many damn cigarettes" it was funny, so she wound up giving us all a couple packs, shibbyness. now i have stuff to give homeless people, just hope they have a lighter. that and it was cool to go places and not have justin trying to bum cigarettes from everyone that was around us.
overall the night was really cool. last night, not so much.
i stayed home mostly cause i was broke but also i was content for the day as for the fact that i had had fazolis for the first time in like 2 months. bout 2am i call justin and see whats goin on. well, he's shitfaced at bradleys. spent all his money, again. as i'm listening to him slurr doug calls, which is weird cause i thought they were at the same place. nah, doug is like 2 blocks down the st so i was like hey go get justin cause he's fucked and then call me back. deal. ok good.
so a few minutes later doug calls back saying how justin was being gay saying that he wouldn't let doug drive him cause he didn't want to leave his car and then justin sped past him all drunk driving to my house.
wack, but justin kinda gets like that when he's drunk. well doug and i start making food cause we're all hungry and such and justin in just pouting on my sofa when doug is like "weak, all you have is this? i'd rather have bud light lime" turns out i had some so i was like take it, but then i remembered that justin actually likes that stuff so i went over to justin to see if he wanted it. apparently that where i went wrong.
fucker gets all butthurt cause i offered him old beer.
...yeah, cause i was totally doing that to piss him off, whatever.
so he winds up leaving cause of that. c'mon, seriously? how stupid is that?
if i hadn't planned on getting fazolis the next day his ignorance probably would have actually pissed me off, but its whatever. i mean justin to an extent has always pissed me off in the excess of his presence, but hey, thats the case with everyone. i guess its just really pissing me off now cause he's getting way too reliant on drugs and everytime he drinks, he doesn't know how to stop until he's drunk.
blah, i'm tired of ranting. this'll lighten the mood maybe.
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