damn catchy tunes

Aug 19, 2008 21:28

ha, so my yellow slip ons rule. i have the coolest foot tan line ever from them. went to the river twice in the last week. twas fun, lost the ice chest the first time for like 30 mins. big whole story behind it that i'm a lil too lazy right now to type out. but what was waaay more badass was the 2nd time we went, i lost my super cool orange and black sunglasses for like 30 minutes. needless to say i was pretty distraught over it. so doug and i caught a dead spot in the river and trailed behind and i was telling him how it wasn't going to work cheating the tubing place like we were when i glance over and start freaking out and trying to paddle over. my freakin glasses floated down the river and found me! pretty much the coolest thing all summer, kinda. after we left the 34 year old guy working at subway was talking shit cause i asked if they had veggie patties so i had to put him in his place, just about as cool the whole glasses thing except for the fact that being an asshole is a lot more likely to happen then my glasses chillin next to me 30minutes after i lose them in a river.
anyways last week was kinda wierd. almost got in 3 fights in 2 days. WTF. for stupid shit too it doesn't make any sense, mostly cause i'm so lovable and nobody ever tries to fight me.
another thing almost just as wierd if not more so, going to cha chos twice in 2 nights. haven't been there in like 2 years. don't worry though, prolly won't go there for another 2 after last weeks binge nacho eating.
speaking of nachos, just made me nachos, fucker almost killed me. you know, regular sized concession stand nacho basket thing. damn shit must have had like 14lbs of cheese on it. needless to say, i took it as a personal challenge and finished em all. not a good idea at all. well...it was a good idea. WAS, nobody warned me how that much cheese and fried little corn tortilla chips intake would almost send me in a nacho coma.
ha, saved drafts, how convienient. i'll post a new one later.

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