Mar 03, 2004 19:33

WOW .. that is .. like .. one word .. that describes everything!!

So .. 5:50 I left my house, had to pick up my bro, then drop him back off at home, got to Brittnys house at about 6:10 and started for the Sheraton Hotel, where the meet and greet was being held. We got there at about 6:30 .. and went inside, I gave the ladies my i.d. card and they gave us two Kiss Fm stickers, our pass to get in the room. So we walked down the line, and I saw Katie(girl from NSMB) and stood in line with her, then I saw Liz(another girl from NSMB) and we talked for a few minutes, and then we waited in line. LEMME TELL YOU .. somea those girls were SLUTTY as hell! lol. Anyways. around 7ish Tony Zamboni came out and told us we'd be going in soon, we sorta in the front of the line, so we were waiting outside the door, and people started clappin, me bein weird started clappin too lol. and then Sarah(a girl from my school who won) got out of line and stood behind some people and jumped up and down, and she was like I see him! I see him! so i went over and jumped up and down and saw him too!! :)

So we FINALLY get to the door, and Tonys standin there, and he's like hi I'm Tony Zamboni, and thats JC over there, omg. isn't he hot? I'm so excited! aren'ty ou excited? lol and i was actin the same way he was, so we went around these chairs and got in line to get pictures, and Sarahs freakin out, and i'm like omg brittny thats JC! omg he's so beautiful! so the line goes real fast, its groups of four and hten JC .. so it was Brittny, me, jc, Sarah and sarahs' sister. he shook my RIGHT hand .. and said 'hi how ya doin' and then after the pic was taken, I was like, thank you and he said mmhmm :D .. so we got our picture .. REALLY AUTOGRAPHED and got some seats in the back. we waited until EVERYONE got their pictures done, and hten JC sat infront and had a q and a session. Lizs' friend got to ask a question :) I WANTED to .. adn I had my hand raised and hte guy looked at me .. but picked THREE people RIGHT infront of me. Iwas like .. bitch lol. And then JC said sometihng to someones answer, and i was like YAYYY really loud lol. and he looked at me, and was like, yes yay and laughed :) and then sum girl .. who gave him a hug .. he looked real disgusted lol. asked him if he'd marry her, and he's like uhhh next question .. and then she asked if he would sing .. and he's like all i know is the cococabana lol. and hten someones like BARNEY .. so he's like 'I LOOOOOVEEe YOUUU' lol. he was so adorable.

It didn't sink in until today that I met him .. :) I have a picture .. here it is :)

I'm the one right next to him, in the jean jacket, sort of leaning into him lol.
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