Domestic Antichrist

Mar 29, 2008 08:54

Some few posts ago, I laid bare for you, Constant Reader, the joys of my kitchen, or as I had decided to call it, the Genesis Pit.

Well, here comes part two. When I got home from work this morning ('bout 30mins ago), I was...snack-hungry, I guess you could put it. And alas, there were few snacks to be had. I decided to look through my freezer (why, I don't really know), and there my eye happened to fall upon some Bacardi frozen mixes.

The idea behind these is simple. Take this frozen-y goop, add water, ice, and your flavorful beverage of choice (rum is what they recommend), get thee to a blender, and voila! Instant daiquiri, pina colada, margarita, what have you. I liked these quite a bit back in my younger days, and if you wanted, you could even forgo the liquor entirely.

I have two of these in my freezer, dating back quite a bit. So I decided just to glance at them, and actually LOLed (scaring one of my cats), as one of them said "best used by Jun 2004."


But wait! The other one was best used by July...of 2000.

That's right, folks, the year two-fucking-thousand.

I'd throw them out, actually, but they're the only thing that keeps the little bottle of Jack Daniels from falling through the freezer-door-rack's gap. So they serve a purpose, just not their original purpose. That purpose they'll never serve.

(And yeah, I know, who keeps Jack Daniels in the freezer. I do! To me, all liquor is better if cold. I know this well, having chugged room-temperature vodka before.)

The Wasteland Guru

/also have an old bottle of Everclear
//not worried about that one getting germy
///'cause, you know, it kills germs
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