Oct 15, 2006 09:10
So, I have a pair of jeans. I bought them in scotland in around the first leg o'the euro-trip. They are starting to tear and rip on the bottom. Which got me thinking. If I measured the time it has been in jeans. I would have been a long time since Europe.
Odd ways of measuring time aside... I know I have been neglecting my livejournal and for that I apologize (espeically to all my avid readers... of which there are so many). I have just been slightly busy with work, school, girlfriend and good ol'family drama. I apologize to all that have been hurt by my neglect.
So, what is new and exciting? Well, I got myself all addicted to Battlestar galactica. It is behond amazing. The only one who is not addicted in my family is my dad. But he likes watching sports, so what does he know right? On thursday is my birthday. In a way I am happy about it (birthdays mean presents, and presents are always welcome !). But I think I am also seeing it as a sort of transition. Time to get serious about life and start shaping myself into what I want to be when (and if) I grow up. I guess I should also mention the Darkness. For those who do not know I bought a used car. It is a 93 Plymouth Lazer (2door sports car) and its name is the Darkness. <-- lol those two "the darkness" linning up was totally unintentional. Haha.
Anyways, thatis all I can think about saying...
Stay frosty.