Sep 20, 2013 12:21
It seems strange to be calling myself a 42 year old, I still feel like I am in my twenties, although I feel calmer, stronger somewhat smarter and no where near as needy as I was back then.
Monday is the beginning of fall quarter and I will be taking disease and pathology (which I am going to need to learn to spell) This class is about 90% memorization and 10% being able to spot trends in a persons health.
I never want to say oh I should be able to Ace this class I am to nervous of the Gods Laughing at my arrogance, but I will say after the last three quarters my confidence has grown in my abilities to be a good student.
I think it is kind of sad that I ever thought I was stupid, I figured i could remember a lot of information, it might not be relevant, but sometimes it does come in handy. But I was a horrible student, partially I did not care about certain subjects or the person teaching that subject and so I would just tune it all out do my thing do the bare minimum and slide by or I would just not do the work at all, and fail... No surprise there.
I am pretty sure that most instructors that I had were at their wits end with me, over the years I have gone back and apologized to certain teachers that did not deserve to have as a student.
It is actually one of the reasons I feel so strongly about judging a teacher by the failure or success of a student, if I was such a stubborn bitch about it I am almost positive other kids are just as bad or worse that I was and how unfair to judge a teacher by her failure to force me to take responsibility, I mean hell my parents couldn't even do it.
At any rate I feel more able to handle things that life throws at me, my finances are mostly in order, my marriage is stable, and my Job is good Commute still sucks but what are we going to do?
At the start of September I began taking water aerobics Monday, Wednesday and Friday, so far i have not lost any weight but I am tightening up and my thighs have gone all muscle with very little fat, I am also loosing weight in my face and fingers.
And energy is better, and no more sugar level crashes. Also my knee is better, so whoop whoop!
Now if only I could not crash at 6;30 after dinner at work, I mean after I eat I just want sleep.
Life is good and I am going to go eat lunch.