The prune juice is doing wonders. I drank the entire container now. For god knows what reason I ate again though. Not just now earlier...before I went to the bathroom. Yeah I know I know details sorry... and drank more prune juice. And then after going I was like hey this works so I drank the last glass of prune juice and two bottles of water. I don't want to dehydrate and I want to cleanse my system. I'll pretend like today never happened. Tomorrow I'll start my diet. I'll keep to it. I have to. I have prom coming up. Spring and summer are coming. I'm going to Cancun. 500 cal a day, no carbs, light work outs at first more intense later on. After the seven day diet I posted I'm going to try some sort of 2-4-6-8 diet..perhaps with fasts in between. If I can make the first week I'll regain control and fasting and the such will be easy. Just have to get through the first steps. Going to clean my system out. Weigh myself tomorrow morning and start on a clean slait.
Height- 5'9/5'10
Current weight- We'll find out tomorrow but I'm guessing around 155
Short term goal weight- Sat morning- five lbs lighter
Tues- at least another five lbs lighter
Another week after that another five lbs lighter
Highest weight- 86 kilos/um around 191 lbs
Lowest weight- 58 kilos/127 lbs
Long term goal- 130 by may
Was ana for about a year without really realizing that I was. I realized what I had been once I lost the control. I have been Mia for about a month or so now. I never thought I'd make myself throw up but I reached that point. I'm on the sick side right now so I can't take any diet pills. I would never take anything to speed up my metabolism because I have heart problems and I don't even know what would happen but I would take appetite suppressants. I'm rather proud that I lost all of my weight naturally but I've been trying to regain control since Jan. and it's only slipping away from me. I might be desperate enough to take diet pills. But not yet..I need to get better first. I get a lot of blood tests done lately and I can't risk them finding anything. My parents would freak out completely. I went on vacation a couple of months ago and I did that diet thing for about five days but I didn't really stick to it, I incorporated tofu, and I lost about 8 lbs. But after the vacation I gained it all back and more. ::sigh:: I need to lose weight and then stick to a plan that I can keep for life.
if anyone has any advice or complaints or just wants to talk feel free to leave a comment or make me your friend. I need support and people to talk to. I have friends who understand me but they don't know about all of my behavior. Like the vomiting and the cutting. I need someone I can share everything with.