Oct 07, 2004 19:05
So I have been getting a lot of good suggestions but I still want more. I need to add two new rules though so people can see whats up. First, at least some people have to understand what I am, it can't be too obscure. The other is that I have to be able to pull it off. For example a great many people said I should be Bill from Kill Bill, but there is no way I could pull off bill...even in a costume.
SO the updates rules are:
1. Has to be semi-original.
2. I still have to look hot in it.
3. If this idea had a female counterpart that would be ideal, but if it doesn't...tell me anyways.
4. At least some people have to be able to recognize who/what I am.
5. I have to be able to pull off the costume, i.e. look the part.
BUT THE WINNER WILL NOW GET $10!!!! I will also write a song/story about the winner that shall be posted on my journal at a later date.
Now here is a list of suggestions I have recieved thus far:
"a giant piece of cheese that says "a cheesy costume" on it and dress vermont up in some a slave outfit with a chain and just keep sayin freak-a leak all night"
a pumpkin
mad hatter
Bill and The Bride (x35,000)
beethoven and beethoven's 2nd.
go naked and wear a leave and be adam, then have your girl be nakey too with some leaves and long hair
go as an electric plug
Peter "Pubeless" Pan
jack and meg white
John Travolta and Uma Thurman in Pulp Fiction
milo & otis
Ali G
prince charles
charles in charge
bonnie and cylde
peter jackson
the inconsiderate cellphone man
a gynecologist
marisa tomei
the new star wars dvds.
Jack the Ripper
and then Sky Captain came out and dropped this bomb:
IamSkyCaPTAin (6:59:39 PM): You should go as ME, and Frankie
IamSkyCaPTAin (6:59:52 PM): I'll allow it
IamSkyCaPTAin is away at 7:00:06 PM.
Keep those suggestions coming...