Aug 20, 2004 18:55
Yah and I'm updating and it is not to announce a party. So in case you didn't know I work for WFNX radio 101.7 during the Swasey show (6-10 AM Monday - Friday). Not gonna lie, its unbelievable. But the other day I got to do the most amazing thing yet. Every week the VideoGame Columnist for the Globe calls up the show and I always get mad and make fun of him. Well the host of the show, Swasey, called him up and asked if he wanted to come in and FACE ME in a VIDEOGAME DEATHMATCH!!! AND HE SAID YES!!!!!! So it was actually advertised the day before as "Globe Gaming Columnist Ed Medina faces off against MattMan"(my Character name). So he comes in and we decide to play Soul Caliber 2 on the Xbox (never played that version). I won the first two games, he won the third and fourth, and on the fifth I destroyed him!!! Then we talked about videogames for two years while I probably should have been helping out on the radioshow. He also showed me how he reviews games by unwrapping the new CatWoman game, loading it in, playing it for 5 minutes before we turn to eachother and go "this game blows" and turn it off. Then he gave me his contact info and said I might be able to help him test new/unreleased games *dies*.
Then we made out.