Life update

Sep 29, 2007 19:16

I've been here two weeks, and I'm surprisingly still very happy. I thought that after a couple of weeks, I might get either bored or pissed or homesick, but I'm not. It's awesome.

Here, they take care of everything. When I need to go to on an important errand, there is a chauffeur who drives me, and the car is great: a Honda Accord with all the options, including leather. I feel so uber fancy when I ride around town in it.
One thing I'm not too comfortable with is the fact that the chauffeur opens and closes the door for me. The boss (who is uber nice, btw) took me to lunch last week to this uber fancy hotel, and the people there insisted on opening the car door for me. I'm not used to that kind of behavior.

He also told me that he wanted to keep his employees happy, because when they are, they work better and more. And, boy does he mean that. Lunch is on them everyday, so is coffee, tea and the afternoon snack (served at about 4:30 pm everyday).
Today, we received stainless steel mugs with the company logo on them. Each person gets one.

Also, there is a guy here who basically takes care of any other demand I may have. The boss basically told me to call this guy for anything. If my phone isn't working, I just tell him about it and he takes care of it. I called him a few days ago to ask him where I could go to get my blood tested (they print our blood type on our badges so that if anything happens, people who have the same blood type can donate for you), and he just brought over a doc to the office to have him draw the blood. The doc was also instructed to bring the results back to the office ASAP, and he did.
Hell, same goes for the bank account. The guy from the bank just came over to get my signature.

They also installed two new ACs in the flat to replace older ones, and they should be installing a new phone too. Voice-Over-IP phones. Not just the regular kind. I love technology. All this is, of course, paid by the office.

This is beyond insane and I LOVE IT!

Everyone is so nice here too. Most of the girls do look at me with these big sparkling eyes and equally big smile/grin. Sometimes, I feel like asking them why they're smiling at me that way, but then, I usually shut up. And, god, the way they react to my teasing is excellent. Every time the word boyfriend is uttered, they giggle and blush. It's so cute!

Anyways, I'm alive, and everything seems to be going very well. I hope I won't jinx things with this post though.

In TV heaven, I did watch both the CSI and the Ugly Betty premiere. Awesome stuff. I wanna get my hands on Supernatural and on Life though.

Life =
Sarah Shahi playing a cop =
handcuffs + wifebeater =


Yeah, gonna need to watch that.

india, rl, sarah shahi

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