I'll do this for my home state and city since its kind of different..

Jul 24, 2010 08:42

Google "you know you are from YOUR STATE when" paste the results and bold what applies to you. You Know You're from Pennsylvania When ...
    • The first day of Buck season and the first day of Doe season are school holidays.
    • You own only three spices "salt, pepper and Heinz ketchup".
    • Driving is always better in winter because the potholes are filled with snow.
    • Words like "hoagie", "crick", "chipped ham", and "pop" actually mean something to you.
    • You can use the phrase "fire hall wedding reception" and not even bat an eye.
    • You constantly refer to Pennsylvania as "PA" (pronounced Pee-ay). How many other states do that?
    • You know that Blue Ball, Intercourse, Climax, Bird-in-Hand, Beaver, Moon, Virginville, Paradise, Mars, and Slippery Rock are PA towns.
    • Your idea of a traffic jam is ten cars waiting to pass a tractor on the highway.
    • You measure distance in hours.
    • You know several people who have hit deer more than once.
    • You often switch from "Heat" to "A/C" in the same day.
    • You carry jumper cables in your car and your girlfriend or wife knows how to use them.
    • You can actually eat cold pizza (even for breakfast) and know others who do the same. (Those from NY find this "barbaric".)
    • You not only have heard of Birch Beer, but you know that it comes in several colors: Red, White, Brown, Gold.
    • At least 5 people on your block have electric "candles" in all or most of their windows all year long.
    • You know what a "State Store" is, and your out of state friends find it incredulous that you can't purchase liquor at the mini-mart.
    • You know several places to purchase or that serve Scrapple, Summer Sausage (Lebanon Bologna), and Hot Bacon Dressing.
    • You can't go to a Pennsylvania wedding without hearing the "Chicken Dance" and at least 5 Polkas.
    • You live for summer, when street fairs signal the beginning of funnel cake season.
    • You ask the waitress for "dippy eggs" for breakfast.
    • Your turkey has "filling," not "stuffing," and most certainly, NOT "dressing."
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