(no subject)

Dec 28, 2008 23:45

In addition to the pair of Cinematic Titanic DVDs I scored from spuffyduds , I was also gifted with another nice present with which to annoy visitors, this one from my dad:  an Ovation acoustic guitar.  He got a good deal on a used 1612 with a hard case, and I'm quite delighted to now own an acoustic that can be quickly plugged into any amp if you need sudden amplification.  Also, it has nice, easy action, making switching from chord to chord a pleasantly simply process.

Better still, the case has a very old sticker on it, one which bears the walleyed Dwayne-Powell-drawn caricature of Jesse Helms that graced so many issues of the Raleigh News & Observer editorial page, this one accompanied by the caption "Jesse Can't Shag."

Go, Dad!

We spent a lively afternoon with a bunch of friends from my fantasy football league, slurping down chili and enjoying ourselves.  We call it our "Winter Meeting," but it's really just an excuse for everyone to sit around making jokes at the TV.  My favorite this year was watching a New England back stiff-arm a tackler and take him to the ground, after which one of my fellow owners cracked, "Somebody busted up his chiffarobe."  No, I don't know why it was so funny to me, either.

And after that?  A friend of my family offered me, Spuffy, my parents, and our kids six tickets to the UNC-Rutgers basketball game, which was the first time our offspring have ever gotten to go to the Dean Dome.  I'm happy to report that they were there to witness Tyler Hansbrough's 1000th rebound, a Ty Lawson stat line of greatness (19 points, six assists, zero turnovers), and the Heels' 12th straight victory by ten or more points.  I know quicknow doesn't want to hear about it, but this team is scary.

Now all I need is for all the people who've seen both Santa Claus Conquers the Martians AND The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra--and I'm sure there are at least six of you out there--to comment on my latest fic, and all will be well.

football, guitar, basketball, fantasy

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