I keep meaning to update this thing, but every time I have something to say, I'm too tired to do it. I don't have anything better to be doing... well I'm sure I'd find something if I went looking, but I'm not going to. Anyways I'll put it behind a cut, since people get so nit-picky about how their friend pages look. If you want to read it, read it.
Nothing much out of the ordinary has happened, at least nothing I can remember at the moment. At work, I have my own office now, complete with a door that locks. I also have my own bathroom. I have a big window, too, so I bought some flowers and such, including a pink quill bromeliad, which I think is just awesome, but then again I'm easily amused. It gets a little lonely being in my office by myself, and it's on the second floor too, so I'm quite out of the loop of the goings and comings now, but it's peaceful. I find I enjoy people's company a lot more now. I don't feel too bothered anymore when someone comes to talk to me. That and it's really nice to be able to leave my stuff laying out on my desk and not have to worry about someone walking off with it. I've been talking more to Leah too, our head housekeeper. She's so entertaining, I love her to death. Her English is pretty good, but the way she says things sometimes gets out of order, and it amuses me. Not in a bad way like "Oh you screwed up!", but in a cute way. She helps me with my Spanish too. Sometimes she'll give me receipes for traditional mexican food, and they wind up being half in English, and half in Spanish. Consuelo is back too, she's good at helping me with Spanish as well. I really should practice more often. Leti left to have her baby, and as much as she frustrated me sometimes, I'm going to miss her.
Life at home is pretty much the same as always too. The house is a mess, I need to clean.. but the mess is seriously so big, I don't know where to start. I know if I did a little each day it'd help, but by the time I get home I'm so tired I usually start falling asleep as soon as I sit down. I need to start working out again, I had a lot more energy then.
As far as my social life, nothing has really changed much there, either. I'm trying to be a wee bit more social. I've gone out with coworkers a few times for lunch now, whereas before I'd be quite content to sit in my little corner and eat. I doubt I'll be going to clubs or anything to hang out anytime soon, but something is better than nothing. I went to see Speed Racer by myself, and I have to say it was a pretty good movie. It was nice to just be out by myself too. Dad never leaves the house, so it was nice to just have some alone time.
I'm sure I'll think of something else to talk about when I finish this, but my brain is dead for now...