Dec 02, 2005 01:09
Countdown til the end of the semester: 15 days!!!
So I was going through my internet routine of checking the various emails and websites, when I realized that I had completely forgotten about my journal, hahaha! My life has been a blur the past couple weeks, but a wonderfully fabulous and entertaining blur. It has gotten to the point where I spend more time in Kory and Jacob's room than I do in my own. I feel so comfortable there, and the company is fantastic! Thanksgiving break was wonderful! My cousin bought me a fleece satchel and a lime green fleece scarf from Old Navy for Christmas and I love them! I got to eat wonderful country cookin' and see all of my family and enjoy the beautiful outdoors in the hills of Southeastern Kentucky. There were some sad things though. My cousin Jenny had found out just a few days earlier that after 2 months of pregnancy the baby had died and it was still inside of her until this past Monday. On Friday night her husband's friend had come to visit and his girlfriend was sitting in the house with Jenny and started talking to Jenny about it and how she couldn't imagine what it feels like to lose a child. I've never wanted to strangle a person so much in my life. How can you be that stupid? My heart went out to my cousin, and my fury went out to that stupid little woman. My aunt said it: some people have no pity. And of course her husband was drinking with the boys in the garage and constantly bothering her to bring them stuff until late into the night that same night, and I really just wanted to kick all their asses off of her property. Especially when her drunken brother-in-law started asking her about losing the baby. We're supposed to take care of eachother people! The other sad thing was my Uncle John. His wife died last Spring and not too long after that he broke his leg really really badly and it still isn't completely healed, and on top of that it got infected and he was just released from the hospital for it. The sad part, was how he looked. He has lost soooo much weight, like he's wasting away, and his depression was written all over his face. More stupid people kept bringing up how awful he looked, and I really just wanted to slap duct tape over their mouths and ask them how they think they'd look if they'd recently lost the love of their life. I think all people, including me, need to do a little more thinking before speaking in our lives. Despite the sad parts it was still wonderful to get to hang out with my cousin Trish and relax with family. I wish Jason could have come though, I kinda missed him a whole lot. I got to see Saw II and Crash, both good movies. Sunday when I got back I went out to eat with Jason and then came back to campus, got all unpacked, and then spent a little time in Kory's room. The rest of this week has been like that. Class, work, Kory and Jacob's room. I had a test Tuesday and a test today, and got a test back with a 98%, woot woot! Monday night was Raw with the boys at Mike's house. Tuesday night, after I spent some time with my Jason, Kory and I went to see Rent, a completely fabulous movie that all of you should go see at least twice! I studied and hung out in their room Wednesday night, and then tonight was Madrigals. Jason went with me and we had so much fun! The singers and actors were all fabulous, and Kory's drunken doctor was hilarious! I hung out in their room for a little while after the show reading for class and watching Scrooged, and then Kory and I walked around campus and went visiting before ending up at my room. After messing with roomie and Marshall for a little bit Kory left and I sat down at the computer, which brings me to now, and time for bed.