Love was stimulated by illusions, more than anything.

Jul 11, 2010 14:18

I've almost tamed the email monster.  Almost.  (That means I looked at them, not necessarily took any action or deleted any.)   I'd dump it all, but the last time I did that I desperately needed one of the dumped emails . .. .

My goal for today was to finish a project and do a couple of concentrated hours of work, but instead I've just been sick for the last little bit.  Harballs - not just for kitties anymore!    I think I'm going to lie down for a couple of hours (you know,  I've only been awake 6 hours, I need to lie down).  Maybe open the second season of True Blood and watch one or two of those on my little dvd player.  (Because yes, still haven't solved the TV/DVD player problem.)

The laundry monster isn't really in contention today, as badly as I need it, because the elevator is broken.  I'm okay humping loads of clothes DOWN three flights of stairs.  UP, isn't going to happen. Yeah, I know,  pathetic.  I'm seriously thinking about seeing if I can find a pick-up and deliver laundry service.  This is a cosmic punishment for berating the landlord, on the envelope with my rent check, for not replacing those tiny, expensive and poorly working machines A YEAR AFTER HE PROMISED a new laundry room.   ($6.00 for < 20# of laundry.  Not kidding.  TINY machines.)

Lunch yesterday with my father and his spousal unit turned out to include out-of-town sister 3 and her two teenage male offspring, and sister 4.  Delightful!

This morning's dream featured a big cast of bad guys having somehow imprisoned a group of the good guys (including a cleric - ?) and threatening to kill us.  Somehow I remember they were also going to annihilate the rest of the planet as well, but since they also needed the earth, kiling us would suffice.  There was a lot of complicated electronic equipment, but at one point I was given away by fresh paint (!)  I ended up hiding in a box in a wall behind a stove, stuffed in with the cleric and trying not to cough or move.  Simultaneously, I was outside in the room, trying to hid the me in the box.

I blame this dream on Catherynne Valente, btw.  I finished her Orphan Tales - In the Night Garden before I went to sleep.  Like Tanith Lee, Valente's lushly textured prose and characters who simultaneously frighten and delight kick my nighttime imagination into overdrive.

Then I woke up singing lines from Joni Mitchell's Song for Sharon:

A woman I knew just drowned herself 
     The well was deep and muddy
     She was just shaking off futility 
     or punishing somebody
     My friends were calling up all day yesterday
     all emotions and abstractions
     It seems we all live so close to that line
     And so far from satisfaction.

Yep,  Creepy.   Not in any omg I'm going to off myself way, more just wtf?

May have been brought on too, by the fact that yesterday was the 2 year anniversary of the implosion of my relationships.    Or not.  Do I really care about that anymore?    Or that I think I neglected to take my medication for the first time in 3 months last night.  Or none of the above (a poll will not be forthcoming). 

something else to worry about, adult survivors, dreaming, i'm a sick puppy, better living through chemistry, sound of music, fe-lions, now the monkey on my back has a new act!, joni mitchell, family, books! books! books!

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