Mar 26, 2010 15:59
Having had to endure a great many business calls to the land of large companies this week, I am (with great difficulty) supressing a rant about how corporate 'merika has apparently decided it wants to get cozy with me by instructing telephone minions (poor telephone minions!) to address me by my first name. You Do Not Know Me. I Do Not Know You. "Ms. Last Name" (in whatever mangled form) will do, thank you. Of course, this while I'm trying to get as much info about telephone minion as I can, because the next time I call I'll need to know to whom I spoke the first 20 times I called. [Yes, I see the lack of supression there.]
Part of the reason for the great many calls is unalloyed stupidity. Despite numerous attempts at fixing a large telecommunications company's screw-ups when I moved, I have been continuously billed for both a telephone number and an DSL line that simply don't exist. And I've continued to pay the bill, failing to notice the persistence of these "services". I have notes that I tried to fix this in July, August, and September, and I may have also called in October. On paper I have at least two "change orders" which I thought cut off the lines, but apparently LTC thinks they meant something different. So I had the joy of explaining that I want a credit - for 8 months. I've gotten a credit for the phone line. The DSL issue has been 'elevated', whatever that means. I'm assuming it doesn't have anything to do with cars and cables. . .
The TV feed for which I pay entirely too much has been pretty sparse, plus I actually worked into the late hours a couple of times this week, so I've concentrated on a Torchwood season 1 rewatch. (Not concentrated, really, just watched it. You know.) I see that Fast Forward is back (the DVR caught it, not me) but I'm not sure I want to reinvest in it. I don't like Caprica one ep at a time, I tend to just let that pile up, and apparently this next one is the 'midseason final' [what does that mean??] so I'll watch those now.
In the meantime, I'm waiting for the early afternoon arrival of the plumber, who was supposed to fix my shower mixing valve (it's leaking now, and piercingly whistles when I have a sinus or migraine headache, but doesn't whistle when the plumber or landlord is here). (It actually has to do with whether anyone else in my 'run' is using water, not really headache related. Even I know that.)
Why yes, it IS late afternoon. The maintenance guy was already by to look at the new need-to-be Kilz'd and painted wall and ceiling spots where the roof leaked, again. Not that they could actually get it done today. Just looking at it. Bye. Back to fix it later. We'll call you.
Ooh, the plumber just called, and is on his way. My faith in humanity, restored! Corral the cats!! (Okay, let's not get too crazy.)
home sweet home,
day job