They're back/Flower festival pics

Oct 20, 2006 11:10

Mum and Dad are back from their travels down south. It's SO nice to have them home. I've been by myself most days (apart from the animals) as T (brother) has been at work, and I've had no-one to talk to. They both talked my ear off for about 4 hours! I think I've heard about everything they've done now.

They also bought me some lovely little pressies: a coloured rock from the Jenolan caves, some pretty soaps, a fancy candle, and a lavender and sandalwood spray.

Last night I couldn't get off to sleep. Too damn restless again. I had to take some extra seroquel and even then only slept for less than 4 hours. I had planned to get up early anyway to finish the weeding, but I woke before the alarm due to the bad dream, and haven't had time to nap all day. Speaking of the dream, I do feel much better for writing it out like I did earlier. Didn't take too long for my mood to pick up again, and back to feeling sometimes high and sometimes just really good.

I'm too tired to say much tonight, so here's some pics that my grandfather took of flowers at the Floriarde flower festival in Canberra. They might be a bit slow loading if you are on dial-up but they really are worth it.

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