Nov 25, 2006 14:44
So I made up my mind over the course of the last few days to come back to LJ and see what was going on. It had been so long that I had forgotten my password. What's worse, I had LJ notifications sent to my hotmail account. It had been so long since I opened up that account that Microsoft had deleted it. So it's seriously been a long time. The last few days, I've been putting off posting because I wanted a detailed posting. but I don't have time, so I'll make it shorter so I can quit putting it off.
I'm still alive and kicking. I have about 1.5 years of school left. I recently decided that I didn't want to follow through on the path to being a lawyer. Since I've been back on the business school side of things, I have realized just how much I enjoy that side. I suppose that's why I originally decided to enter business school before I decided to go to law school. So I'm currently looking for marketing jobs.
I went to Oaxaca, Mexico over the summer for some pro-bono business consulting. It was a good time. If anyone recognizes that name, it's been the site of massive & sometimes violent protests between the government and lefties. I was there when the protests had started. There were massive amounts of people under these huge tarps in the middle of the streets. They must have occupied 10-20 square blocks. the real violence started a week after I left. So I was pretty fortunate to get out in time.
Now I don't know the first thing about that fella who got roughed up at UCLA by the cops. I haven't had the time to really research it. But it got me thinking. If I was the powers-that-be in Iran, I'd send over waves of young students and professionals with the long-term mission of establishing credibility. Then, in a few years, I'd have them start creating small little ruckuses. Nothing major. Just ways of antagonizing police and other officials without appearing to be doing anything wrong. Then they'd get the CAIR & ACLU to come in denouncing the officials and those who are in charge and cry discrimination. Basically, use subversive methods to begin eroding public support. Start undermining credibility of those who are just doing their jobs. With the power of YouTube, you could go enter the smallest rinky-dink middle American towns to do this. Target those officials and public servants who don't have the proper training to see through what's a real threat and what's a ruse. Have a convenient sidekick filming, and you have instant scandal.
But again, I'm not making a commentary on the UCLA guy, I'm just sayin..
Well, back to studying. I seem to do a lot of that lately. I hope everyone is well.