... and so it begins

Mar 09, 2007 10:55

The cyclone season has ramped up again with one cyclone already terrorising the pilbara and another hovering around thinking about paying a visit. The first one has done some serious damage when it struck the coast as a catergory four. So far one person has been confirmed dead and another 20 presumed injured. There are fears for a higher death toll. The emergency crews have only just been able to start to move towards these damaged remote sites. Intial reports seem to indicate some damage to the demountable housing at a rail camp.

The camps these days have fairly good demountables but construction camps are only very temporary so they tend to get the worst of the worst. I can easily imagine one of those getting badly trashed in those winds. I wouldn't want to be in one of those if that was happening. Honestly, I'm wondering why the camp wasn't evacuated like a lot of our camps were.

Cyclone George is that big swirl over north WA and Cyclone Jacob is to the west near Christmas Island.

I hope this is the worst one we get this year. Still the seasons still got two months left so only time will tell.
I hope you like rain Justin. You'll be seeing some of it I think.


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