Tagged by a lot of people..
Seven things that scare you:
1. Caterpillars
2. Worms
3. Anything that's small, creepy, crawly, sluggish and/or with more than 8 pairs of legs.
4. Psycho ex-girlfriends (in general)
5. The possibility of never discovering what i would really want to do with my life.
6. Never getting the chance to go outside Asia.
7. Getting skin breakouts.
Seven things you like the most:
1. Corresponding with him.
2. Talking to my friends.
3. Sleeping (without the nightmares)
4. Writing
5. Reading
6. Good vibes and not necessarily being intoxicated
7. Being quiet and keeping still.
Seven important things in your room:
1. PC
2. Some of my better books.
3. My clothes
4. Most everything from my past (men not included, harhar)
Seven random facts about you:
1. I'm the most patient person I know.
2. When i DO get mad, i'm more likely to fume to myself than scream at the person who ticks me off.
3. I've never been afraid of the dark, not even when i was a child.. of course it's a bit different if ever i'm caught in the middle of the forest/an abandoned old house in the middle of the night.
4. It would take a LOT of convincing me before i drink tequila. i got "traumatized" when i was 18.
5. When i was younger, i fantasized about being a supermodel, a doctor or Keanu Reeves' wife or all three at the same time. Of course none of that is possible now.
6. I'm an impulsive consumer. I can't budget for shit.
7. Tattoos and CSI aside, the sight of blood from fresh wounds or injuries freaks me out big time.
Seven things you plan to do before you die:
1. Live in New York.
2. Visit Italy.
3. Party in Ibiza and smoke in Amsterdam.
4. Bungee-jump/skydive.
5. Get something published.
6. Find out what i'm really good at and do that for a "living".
7. Have two kids and become a good mom.
Seven things you can do:
1. Wash dishes.
2. Flirt effectively.
3. Calm people down.
4. Do without sleep for 24 hours or more.
5. Talk your head off.
6. Be dropped off in an impoverished rural area and immerse myself enough that i have a place to sleep in and food to eat by sunset.
7. Tell you the words you want, not necessarily need, to hear.
Seven things you can't do:
1. I can't drive stick.. or even automatic for that matter, unless someone's handling the gears.
2. I can't sing.
3. I can't play basketball nor volleyball.
4. I can't cook.
5. I can't do a Fear Factor stunt if it involved worms and the like.
6. I can't sit through those gossip shows they show on local tv during Sundays.
7. I can't watch telenovelas for fear of brain damage.
Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex:
1. X factor
2. Wit
3. What he does for fun.
4. Scent.
5. Smooth skin.
6. How he is with my friends.
7. How he makes me feel.
Seven things you say the most:
1. Anobuzz!
2. Potahhh!
3. Homayged
4. Yezzir!
5. What's af?
6. Duh.
7. Nyeta!
Seven celeb crushes (whether local or foreign)
1. Edward Norton
2. Raul
3. Filippo Inzaghi
Tagging whoever else hasn't done this..
* * *
pilfered from
bumandbummer Favorite Flower: stargazers.
Favorite Scent: Bvlgari Blu for Men, Gucci Rush 2 and that fresh-out-of-the-shower smell.
Favorite Authors: Coelho, Winterson, Kundera and yeah, Rowling.
Favorite Book: the stuff by the authors i just mentioned.
Favorite Condiment: Tomato ketchup. Pepper. Chili Garlic!
Favorite Pair of Shoes: anything that makes me seem as if i'm flirting without having to open my mouth.
Favorite Local Channel: i don't watch much local tv, sorry.
Favorite Beauty Products: L'Occitane hand moisturizers, Lancome make-up and any face wash/scrub to wash off my face paint (whatever brand, my skin's not sensitive).
Favorite Magazines: Vogue and Preview for style ideas. Cosmo's getting boring.
Favorite Cookie: my mom's home-made chocolate chip cookies!
Favorite Ice Cream: Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. Yay to Rustan's!!!
Favorite Chocolate: Reese's. anything dark chocolate.
Favorite Junkfood: Cheese Potato Chips from Jack and Jill, anything Sour Cream, Mr. Chips, Lays and Pringles
Favorite Restaurant: M Cafe, North Park/Tiananmen
Favorite Number: 9 and 11
Favorite Day: Friday
Favorite Fastfood Joints: McDo. Burger Machine.. comfort food!
Favorite T.V. Shows: Sex and the City. Now it's also CSI, Lost, The Apprentice.
Dream Car: Audi. and i'm in luck, because..
Favorite Comedian: my friends when drunk :)
Favorite Subject: my Psych courses.
Favorite Radio Station: 103.5 K-Lite. NU107 when i want a little noise or it's the weekend.
Favorite Occasion: any, as long as i get to go to the beach.
Favorite Cartoon Characters: Aeon Flux
Favorite Clothing Store: Ukay-ukay. Mango and Terranova on sale. Rustans for occasional splurges.
Name of Pet(s): Bent and Bliss, my rabbits.
Favorite Athlete(s): Ronaldo, Filippo Inzaghi, Raul and Zidane. Michael Jordan, he was the only athlete who turned me on to NBA.
Favorite Sport(s): Futbol.
Preferred Sports Team: Real Madrid. Brasilia and Italia.
Preferred Brand of Jeans: whatever, really. i'm not much into designer jeans because few can accomodate my hips.
Favorite Season: as long as it's not sweltering hot nor bitingly cold.
Hobbies: Lounging around, bonding with my friends, taking aimless walks, catching him online.
Favorite Fruit: bananas, apples and mangoes.
Favorite Vacation Spot: Boracay.
Favorite Drink: Water.
Favorite Food: everything's good with garlic rice :)
Favorite Hangout: Saguijo, Greenbelt al fresco areas, Penguin Cafe, the beach.
Favorite Dessert: Ice Cream. or cocktails.
Favorite Movie(s): all i can think of right now is "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" and "Big Fish"
Toothpaste: Close-Up
Favorite Cake: this wickedly good chocolate cake they have in Segafredo. Chocolate Decadence or something.
Trademark Expression: ...
Usual Get-up: usually it's a small top, jeans or skirt, flip-flops and several accessories.
Favorite Place: anywhere i can either be quiet by myself or be myself with happy people :)
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suddenly, it's so hot. BUT WHY??? just when i was about to say i miss the sun already, it rudely wakes me up. oh well. for what its worth, i don't have any more excuse to not go out and look for a job.