1.88 Mun Prompt: realmofthemuse

Jan 06, 2008 15:43

Considering that Sandy is a new muse for me, my plans for her in the New Year are just to nail her down as a character at this point. I’ve been writing her actively for about a month now, and she’s a lot of fun to write, but she still doesn’t really have as solid a voice as I would like. Hopefully that’ll be something I won’t have to worry about much longer through my prompts both here at Realm of the Muse and Theatrical Muse, as well as in the various RPs I’m doing.

I’d also like to develop her relationship with her brother more as well, and hopefully that’ll happen once I get Eddie into a more prose-angled writing community. I still have a lot of they’re relationship to nail down and get the specifics of, and hopefully that’ll come with time in writing them more and getting to know them better as muses.

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