Apr 22, 2009 12:08
Remember in Welcome Back Kotter when Vinny Barbarino (John Travolta) used to say that infamous line alomst every show? Well I'm now freaking saying it because I'm soooooooooooooo confused.
Saw phsyiotherapist twice last week for about 30-45 mins each session. Saw him last night and now again tonight. No biggie, my swelling in my foot is down and so testing out today if it's still going to be an issue, so not keep my foot up, not using my leg bandage just to see if my foot swells etc. No biggie. Last night we migrate to using my leg and foot more, standing on uneven surfaces with one foot, new step excecises, jumping on a trampoline etc. It wasn't painful, but I could really feel it working on my muscle which is good and yesterday took a nice walk downtown.
So go to my follow up at the doctor this morning and he checks me out and then says my leg is a bit swollen still, not a big issue. We talk and he finds out I walked around downtown and told me I need to still stay off my leg as much as possible and not work it much. I told him about my phsyiotherapy and he said I need to not do it as much now and not to go too fast.
So who the hell do I believe? My phsyiotherapist who I have seen 3 times so far for 30-45 mins each time or this specialitist doctor that I saw for 8 mins today and about 20 mins 2 weeks ago? Do I use my muscle more like the psyio guy says or do I not do much like the specialtist guy says?
Ahhhhhhhhh why can't there be only one person to say you need to do this and not this. I've been doing much better this week too by doing the excercises and such, but now migrating to this more advanced stuff, I'm at a complete loss. Considering I felt almost perfect this morning for the first time and had even less an issue with walking and he said i'm 4 degrees off now from my other foot (last week I was more then 8). So psyio seems to be working great, but doctor guy says lay off. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
So instead of walking downtown on this nice day at lunch again, or working my balance on my muslce in the court against a wall. I'm sitting here eating a freaking donut for lunch. I hate this day...