
Apr 15, 2009 12:36

Yay so the physio therapist yesterday said I was something he has never even heard of before in all his medical training or years on the job. He told me it's impossible I have no pain other then what feels like a leg cramp. He told me I should be in agony and bending my leg and stretching I should litterly be screaming. Nope, didn't hurt and he was bending my foot every direction too. Only thing is I do have a lot of foot swelling and blood all over my foot pooling up. So I have a tenser bandage around my foot and leg today finally to keep all the fluids from entering my foot and I have excercises I'm doing each day as well which is kind of fun. Still he kept going on through the entire session bringing up the fact that I'm an oddity with my injury. Little does he know, I've had doctors telling me (or my parents) that since I was a baby with all the bizzare conditions I've had that dissapear mysteriously without a diagnosis, with being innoculated against things like measels and chicken pox, yet having them multiple times, to suddenly in adult hood not ever being sick for anything (though I did get my first cold in Nov, first in 8 or so years) etc.

Walked with a co-worker downtown to see the huge protest at Capital Hill. We can see everyone out our window as we're only a block away, so we just had to meander over there. Supposed to be about the Tea Party and Taxes, but every freaking wack job idiot is out crying about our government is a Nazi regime (sorry you can't use what everyone called Bush's run in office for someone else's, be creative and think of something new, oh wait that's right, you can't think), to the freak nut Anti-Abortionists with all their 'shock' photos standing there making me wish they're mothers should have considered abortions themselves before those idiots were born, to the crying over how we need everyone to be able to carry guns and shoot everyone and make every school like Columbine gun crazies to people that I think want to be communist, because all I saw was Communist this and that (sorry move to a communist nation then if you like it so much you tards). Still I saw nothing about taxes or Tea Party there at all, just a group of extremists who are probably all secretly making fertilizer bombs to wipe out anyone that isn't a white power extremist paranoid religious fanatic like themselves. Ugh what a waste of flesh...
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