Everything's gonna be okay...

Aug 09, 2007 19:22

I'm not bitter anymore. I guess I was having a female day.

Well, today is the first day of school. Not for me, but the first day at the preschool. It's hard to see the kids that were in my class move up. In fact, 4 of the 6 kids I had in the baby room when I started in January are now in the 1's class. As far as my class, we're only going to have 4 kids for now. Only 3 will be this week, and the other one will be starting when JSU starts, since his mom's a student. In all of the preparations we've been doing to get ready, it's given me a small glimpse as to what it's going to be like as a teacher once I get out in the world. I have to say, it's pretty exciting. There's going to be an Open House tonight at work, so the parents can come by and meet the teachers and learn how the classroom operates on a day-by-day basis. I'm pretty sure I'll have to bounce between the 2 rooms I've been working at this summer, which will be pretty crazy.

I've been going to a new church since about the time I moved into the new apartment (late April). My roommate had been going to it, and invited me to go, especially after I told her how unfulfilling my church had been to me. In my opinion, going to church seemed to be routine, and worship seemed to be a stage show instead of a genuine worship time. Maybe it's the new-ish pastor (nice guy, but I'm not too crazy about his sermons), or maybe it's that God has been opening my eyes to this. Maybe it's me, but I really hate church politics. Pretty much ever since I started going to this new church, I've really felt a spiritual jumpstart. Things seem a lot more hopeful. Even though I hate that it's a 30 minute drive to the middle of nowhere to get to this church, it's very much worth it. The past couple of weeks have definitely been times where I've gotten something from the message/worship experience. With everything the way it is this summer, I was finally able to realize something that God was trying to put through this hard head of mine for a little while- "Everything's going to be okay."
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