(no subject)

Jan 25, 2012 11:06

We start off with the whole "bloodthirsty killer" bit, which is rather discouraging.  Then we get to the "animal stem cells" part, which is just ridiculous.  As advanced as the apothecaries are, I doubt they're doing stem cell research, especially since they're much closer to alchemists than scientists.  And even if they were, I don't think it would turn you into Daredevil.

Aside from the biology!fail, there's also the little issue that a Forsaken would probably not be able to survive having a huge hole made in their chest.  Maybe if they were raised with one, but they seem to be just as vulnerable to injury as a human once they are - see Yorick from the starting area for an example.  Not pictured was him emoting that a Tauren had stepped on him and crushed all his internal organs, except his brain, but the apothecaries had fixed him up. -_-  Just because they're undead doesn't make them movie zombies.

The main issue I have with child RPers is that a shrunken Belf does not look like a child at all.  It's very creepy and surreal.  I also find his last name highly suspicious (and not the least bit Thalassian), but there didn't seem to be any evidence it was meant as a Torchwood reference.

Also, protip; whining to the whole room when people won't respond to you doesn't make them want to respond any more.  Now maybe if he was a trial, I could understand, but I'm pretty sure he was over level 20.

I'm 90% sure this is satire, but it's still sue-ish and obnoxious, and suffers from some serious sentence fragments.  I got kicked off the server before I could get all of it, but the little bit left was just more of the same.

And now, the crown jewel of the evening:

I didn't cap the rest of his clothing description, because it was more of the same - a huge, poorly-capitalized wall of text.  It went on for two and a half pages in MRP.

We start off all right, except for that little oddity about his age.  A thousand years is a long time to be dead, and he should have been a skeleton after a few years, not to mention centuries.  But don't worry - there was magic gas that preserved him!

Then there's all the things he's not aware of.  You'd think he'd realize he'd been dead in about three seconds, when the "big light creature made [him] alive" and he realized he'd been laying in a coffin.  You don't have to follow the start area exactly with your character, but the Forsaken are kind of an exception - either the Val'kyr raised them, or they're ex-Scourge, both of which are pretty noticeable.  As for the rest of it, five minutes in Silvermoon would cure him of all that, what with the orcs and trolls wandering around, the goblins hanging in the Bazaar, and the muscular blood elves with goatees.

But this is a perfect example of a derpy flag made far, far derpier by bad roleplaying.  First, there's the horrible psuedo-Shakesperian English he uses:

Plus, the rest of that entire emote.  Although he apparently does know about the orcs now, as he had one following him around, but he still hasn't figured out that blood elves can, in fact, be boys. He spent a good five minutes insisting that some warlock was a girl.  This also included licking him and removing his eye and rubbing it against him.  (I guess he realized he was dead sometime in there, too.)  When the crowd in Wayfarer's finally got it through to him, he started /yelling and insulting the poor guy.  My warlock girl would have verbally, and perhaps literally, bitch-slapped him, but as I'm a trial myself, high-level players can't see my emotes.

But seriously, male blood elves?  Do not look feminine.  At all.  Maybe in comparison to an orc or something, but they're at least as built as your average human guy is.  The warlock in question's MRP even stated that he had a "muscular, athletic" build.  Sure they have pretty hair, but that's about it.

EDIT: So it turns out, Sir Augistise is not (just) some random weirdo - there is actually an entire guild of Forsaken going around, claiming not to know they're undead, and referring to male Belves as "she-males". I ran into two more in the other inn, which is where my (male) Belf is hearthed to (nice and close to the forge!)  and there were two more of them in there.  As my boy commented to another observer, obviously the val'kyr who raised them was having an off day.

flagrsp, perfectly preserved undead, wall of text, forsaken, satire, blood elf, pretty princess, wyrmrest accord

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