Our old friend

Jan 24, 2012 18:10

I decided to check back in on Falthrian’s RSP after the recent post  to see if he had made any improvements.

I have some good news, and some bad news.

The good news is that he dropped a whole lot of “whut” from it and is actually fairly plausible. The age has been toned down to something that’s actually reasonable for an elf. He still described himself like Edward from twilight and has a halo that only he can touch, but he dropped the terrible “disguise”, the ice form, and the bizarre backstory.

I have to commend his progress. *two thumbs up*

The bad news: He’s ripping off Avatar:TLA even more. Say hello to the “Archon state”.

For anyone who isn’t familiar with TLA, the main character is something called the Avatar. During times of great physical or emotional stress, a defense mechanism called the Avatar State activates. The Avatar becomes all glowy and floaty and gains all the knowledge and power of his/her past lives. He tends to look really pissed when in this state. Or constipated. You decide.

Now to quote Falthrian’s new description

“He has the state known as the Archon state. In this state, he is at his peak of power and rage. In that level, he gains the most power from all his ancestors, gaining wisdom and energy, like an Adreneline rush. He begins floating and glowing so bright that those who look upon him go blind for a short time.”

Dropping the impossible backstory: YES

Bringing more Avatar into WoW: NO

crossover, wyrmrest accord, a wizard did it, high elf, do not want, blood elf

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