A fresh turd for Christmas!

Dec 25, 2011 21:21

Long-time commenter, first time poster.

Let's play a game.  Hiding among some "kal'doreis" and a "vrykul" was this elf. Let's try to figure out the timeline of this lovely lady's backstory!

You having any luck?  I'm drawing a blank.

I try to envision how many of the Sues posted here could be made better, but this one is just so bad.  She's an impossible hybrid.  She's so scrawny that she probably would look like a concentration camp victim.  She befriends a creature of pure evil, no problem.  She has amazingly accurate prophetic dreams, but no one believed her.  She's young, but she's over 8,000 years old.  She's a demon hunter so well-versed in their ways that she taught another, but she boldly stands in capital cities.  There's so much going on here, and almost none of it's paying attention to the setting.

My suggestion?  Wipe her clean and start new.  Her backstory is so convoluted and little of it matches with the actual timeline or setting.  In addition to that, she's attempting to play one of the hardest in-universe concepts to roleplay:  demon hunter.  They're supposed to be reclusive and hated by just about everyone, which makes them a terrible idea for most roleplayers, who want to be able to go into Silvermoon/Stormwind and have a good time.  Usually demon hunter roleplay goes bad, fast.*  I'd just go back to "night elf huntress from Darkshore" and build anew.

*If you want a funny story about an attempt at a demon hunter guild, I have one.

night elf, look at moi, lore-crushing, dragon, wyrmrest accord, scars, yer doing it wrong, flagrsp, wall of text, orbs, blood elf, terminally screwball, lolwhut, half-elf, freaky hybrid, underweight, cataclysm, demon hunter

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