Well, seeing as it's shutdown night tonight; I thought I'd post some more lulzworthy flags for you lovely people to read.
Now, a peeve of mine is people putting all their ERP kinks/desires/do's and do nots in their flags. No amount of {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ ONLY READ IF YOU'RE 18+ LAWL }}}}}}}}}}} will stop under aged kids from reading stuff they shouldn't be reading. Also, TL;DR posts frustrate me. This one, spans 4 screenshots, and has both my peeves.
Also, sentence structure and spell-check are your friend.
Why is dating in quotes? Oh, also, I saw her today and she's single now. One thing I noted at this point, is she's single; but willing to have a relationship. Also, underage relationships... -_-
She'll date other races... BUT ONLY MALE ELVES. Make up you mind hun..
Also, mating information? She had no age in her bio... but she's after 15-16 year olds. This makes kitty sad.
There's just... way too much detail for pairing her up/mating her with others for the age she's after. Also, what the hell is that thing at the end? Looks like... a ... a... /flips table and just moves on.
This next one, he's a special one indeed. (And I included his character's 'bodyguard' as well.) I don't know if he's ripping off another character, maybe you guys know.
(Oh, and he is a death knight too.)
(That's right, there's the reference. Crossing over games that have nothing to do with each other. /facepalm
Before you said he's the Master of Souls, now you say Master of Darkness... Which is it?
Ayup! Nyan cat as a theme song. HE'S TOTALLY EVIL WITH THAT THEMESONG. Although his current into made me giggle.
And now, his 'bodyguard'.
'Fish-draenei mutant' makes me think naga with a face like that 3 eyed fish from the Simpsons.
Enough for now, I need sleep! I shall post more later!