Chicken market purple nougat!

Nov 07, 2011 07:22

And with those words, I am now prepared to discuss the rising trend of "lolrandom".  I believe that should be spelled "ran-dumb" on occasion, by the way.

Now, I am a fan of non-sequitur humor, in moderation.  For instance, I'm a big fan of this guy:

For those not familiar with the best television show to air in the 80's--or some might say, the best television show ever--this is H.M. "Howlin' Mad" Murdock of The A-Team.  His nickname was apt, because the character had long since been committed to a psych ward, and almost every episode brought us a new, zany disorder played for laughs.

But the thing that makes it funny is not that he was pretending to be an insane person, but that the "insanity" is as paper-thin a disguise as Hannibal's wig-and-fake-mustache routine.  Murdock was cleverly playing to the public's expectations of how insane people behave so as to avoid being prosecuted for the crime the team didn't commit--all while indulging his hyperactivity.

Long story short, there is a way to do "lolrandom" right.  The below, however, is doin it rong:

This is as funny and enjoyable as someone punching me directly in the cerebral cortex.

Protip for Attonn:  Your Flag is not the place for you to make private notes.  If you need to keep...this stuff as notes-to-self, keep a nice legal pad and a sharp pencil near your computer.

I'll let an expert in handling "lolrandom" sum up for me.
Editing this to add:  I am not by any means suggesting that "lolrandom" is synonymous with mental illness.  I attempted to point out that only ignorant people think so, but perhaps that was not clear.  Let it be clear now.

look at me, lolwhut, flagrsp, moon guard is made of fail, random, yer doin it wrong

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