Sorry this isn't a Sue (I keep a look out on the Pit for 'em in fanfic though) but I don't know where else to ask this, and you all seem like knowledgeable folks who wouldn't mind giving me some constructive criticism and food for thought here.
You see, tonight my guild ran Black Temple. The Warglaive dropped. There weren't any DKs or Rogues in group, and I was the only Warrior. Thus I now have a shiny new Warglaive of Azzinoth.
I'm an extremely casual RPer but I've loved the look of
this RP outfit for "demon hunters" and all I need now is the Cursed Vision of Sargeras (I have the Blade of Savagery to keep my Warglaive company until I someday get the other one). And getting the Warglaive... well, that got me all excited. I know most Demon Hunters are Nelfs so I'd race change my human if I decide to run with this idea.
HOWEVER. From what I've read in lore, Demon Hunters basically stay the hell away from everyone else. No one really likes them. So how in the heck would you be able to RP as one *reasonably*? Can it even be done? Or should I just run around in my cool costume and be out of character and be content with that? I don't EVER want to be a Sue and I don't like breaking lore. Your thoughts on this matter would be greatly appreciated. :)
Keep the thoughts coming, guys! I'm still undecided. For now I'm just running around in my crappy "demon hunter" outfit with the special notice 'OOC if Warglaive is present.'
EDIT: Not sure if I could pull off a demon hunter at this point. Are there any similar roles in the WoW universe that I have missed that might be similar? (Or at least ones in which I could wear my outfit and Warglaive? Though the outfit would have to be without the Cursed Vision of Sargeras since that would scream demon hunter)