So I have two screenshots for you fine folks today. Technically three, I suppose, because the flag was a monster.
I'd like to give a little disclaimer before posting the second screenshot. Actually, I'd like to give two. First: go ahead and grab some Preparation H, because it's so full of butthurt that you may start feeling sympathy pains. Second:
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I think I would've been more invested in it myself if I hadn't been watching the entirety of this Stormwind Guard attempting to block off the crypts in the Cathedral because one man down there had a cold or something. It was like they were trying to be the quarantine from the disease event again, only with 1000% more retarded.
But she definitely made me do a double take. Alchemical construct, wat. Guard guilds, you truly attract the best of the best RP.
Regarding the criticism vs. cyberbullying mess, you're absolutely right. I almost want to ask, every time someone QQs here, if they think Stephen King goes and leaves trolling comments on every bad review of his books or if M. Night Shyamalan flames moviegoers everywhere.
This all counts under the umbrella of criticism, just like fanfic comments and other things teenagers on the internet like to get upset about. Cyberbullying would be targetting just one person and harassing that person, not critiquing their work ( ... )
If we could find something summed up by a neutral third party it would be all the more effective, for what it's worth.
Cyber-bullying can be as simple as continuing to send e-mail to someone who has said they want no further contact with the sender, but it may also include threats, sexual remarks, pejorative labels (i.e., hate speech), ganging up on victims by making them the subject of ridicule in forums, and posting false statements as fact aimed at humiliation.
So basically: cyber-bullying is all about hurting a person. Nowhere in there, however, does it say anything about criticizing a person's writing/art/flags/etc. And that is the difference.
So instead of ranting for hours, I'll just leave it at that legally, that's the difference. If someone can't find anywhere someone saying bad things about them as a person, they've got no grounds to cry "cyberbully!"
etc etc etc.
Well, the real world is going to hurt.
I am not, however, perfectly okay with schools telling students that they never do anything wrong. That may make their self-esteem great in the short-term, but I've always thought it better for a person's self-esteem to learn to do something right and well and then actually use what they've learned and receive praise for that.
It's not doing the world any favors to have these spoiled kids in society where they can't function because the world is "OMG TOO MEAN!!". It's called real life, people. It's not pretty and it's certainly not padded. Get used to it.
That's what I'm meaning. Not giving Fs for shitty work, not failing students when they slack off, giving "participation awards" to people who did a crap job on projects, that kind of shit is what ruins society. It also cheapens the achievements of people that actually -did- do the work and -did- do well. And spawns butthurt fuckwits like this dipshit posted. >:{ It needs to end. Seriously.
Criticism is the judgement of the merits and faults of the work or actions of an individual or group by another (the critic).
Cyber-bullying is "the use of information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm others".
Since WCS exists to mock bad flags and not find a way to harm bad players, I think we can safely say it's under the first.
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