Draenei Lore at a Glance

Mar 16, 2011 07:29

I uh...finally got around to writing this up... And I said I'd share when I got done so uh...enjoy? *drops it and flees*

Or rather much shorter and easier to find than it is elsewhere. It's still rather long but I tried to get to the main points the best I could. I think I got everything, if I left anything important out let me know.

25,000 years ago Draenei were known as Eredar. They lived on the planet Argus. They had a natural affinity for magic and because of this their cities were truly a sight to behold. However, as we have seen on Azeroth, magic has it's drawbacks. It tends to attract trouble. This trouble came in the form of the Burning Legion.

During this time Kil'jaeden, Archimonde, and Velen were the rulers of Argus. Sargeras came to them and offered them even more power and knowledge. Kil'jaeden and Archimonde took the offer and were corrupted by the Fel energy and became demons (Man'ari Eredar). Velen, however, foresaw the evil that would befall his people and said no. However you don't just say no to the Legion. Those that followed Kil'jaeden and Archimonde turned on their families and friends.

Velen prayed for the safety of the Eredar that follows him. The prayers were heard and the Naaru, K'ure, came to him. K'ure told Velen to take the Ata'mal crystal and gather all those that wished to follow him. They would be taken from Argus to a promised land. They were to travel to the tallest mountain on Argus on the planet's longest day of the year. The Man'ari Eredar had heard of Velen's escape plans and went after those that wished to flee. The Ata'mal crystal shattered and created a barrier that protected the Eredar that were waiting for K'ure. At the same moment the Naaru appeared and provided their escape, a giant diamond like ship that would later be named by the Orcs as Oshu'gun.

So for 25,000 the Draenei (“exiled ones”), as they now called themselves, traveled in this ship through the Twisting Nether (which is a separate dimension that also intertwines with “The Great Beyond” aka outer space). Little is known about this time. It is speculated that they traveled from planet to planet only to be found by Kil'jaeden and the Legion each time. It is also speculated that they might have gone into stasis during this time. However, if the later is the case there would have likely been many that stayed out of stasis as well. Possibly alternating between time spent in stasis and time out of it. Many people have different ideas about the time on the Oshu'gun so stories here will vary. However it is not completely crazy to think that some Draenei may have been born on a nameless planet or even aboard the Oshu'gun while they fled.

During this trip the Naaru also bestowed the power of the Light upon the Draenei. The Draenei vowed to up hold the honor the Light and uphold the naaru's altruistic ideals. After all it would be a power that would help them most against the Legion should they be found again. Paladins and priests began to grow amongst them during this time.

Roughly 200-250 years ago the Oshu'gun crashed on what is now known as Outland. Finally they thought they were safe and since K'ure died in the crash and the ship was going no where the Draenei thought they'd found their promised land. So they named the new planet Draenor, or “Exiles' Refuge”. They befriended the native Orcs and from them learned of Shamanism (but did not learn it) and how to hunt in these new lands. For the most part the Draenei lived apart from the Orcs. They really only met for trade, each race going about their own business.

However this would all change after Kil'jaeden's scout finally located the Draenei. Roughly 85* years ago the now Fel corrupted Orcs began to slaughter all Draenei they could find. While the Draenei fought back they could do little against the Horde's forces. Eventually Shattrath was last safe haven but even that fell. For years after the Orcs would slowly seek out survivors but eventually their focus was put on building the Dark Portal. Those that fought directly against the Orcs and survived would find themselves cut off from the Light and changed forever. These Draenei would become known as Krokul, or Broken. The Broken would lose their minds and bodies further and become the Lost Ones. Broken were outcast in fear that they would spread the change to others. And Lost Ones simply wandered off never to be seen as who they once were ever again.

Eventually there was fewer and fewer Orc attacks so the Draenei began to rebuild. They tried to salvage their lives. During this time Nobundo had heard the Element's call and was learning the way of Shamanism. It would be years before he would make his way into Shattrath and stand before Velen and many other Draenei and show them the new power he had been given. A new power that he would teach to any Draenei or Broken that wished to learn this new way. A new power that Velen agreed would be good for their people. There isn't a lot known about the time leading up the Blood Elves arrival on Draenor.

Year 32, seven years ago, the Blood Elves led by Prince Kael'thas take Tempest Keep. The same year the Draenei took back the Exodar and escaped. However the Exodar had been tampered with and in the same year the Draenei crashed on Azeroth.

Year 34, Wrath of the Lich King began. This took five years and then the Shattering happened in the current year, 39.

*A little unsure on the time here. I could have sworn it was less than that but after looking over the time line it looks about right.

Information all comes from wowpedia.org as well as talking with those that have read Rise of the Horde. *gasp!* I know, I know. I'm a terrible person for not having read it yet.

My thoughts on Draenei. Kind of random and I probably forgot some stuff. It's not lore, just things I think fit in, it's up to you if you want to add it to your RP.

Average height for both males and females is likely anywhere from 7-8 feet. Possibly 9 if they're significantly taller than average. Possibly as short and 6.5ft if shorter than average. This is for full grown adults.

Taking into account the adult ages for many of the longer living races it can be assumed that Draenei are likely not considered adults until anywhere from 200-500 years of age. Now this is not to say they're physically/emotionally mature long before then but in the culture's eyes they might not be adults until they're that old. On this note, if younger than 200-250 years of age the Draenei would have been born on Draenor. On top of this the player would have to figure out how the child even managed to survive the Horde massacre.

After they reach the age of full physical maturation they likely don't age much more. Depending on levels of stress and the life they lead they may never show their true age. Since, as far as we know, Draenei don't die of old age. After all, Velen himself has to be well over 30,000 years old.

After all that's happened to the Draenei it wouldn't be a surprise to find surviving families being very close. Possibly even multiply generations living under the same roof.

It is very likely that child are not born that often so they are rare and seen as a great gift. Everything about the pregnancy and birth of the child is something to be celebrated.

Because of all that's happened marriage are likely also a very, very big deal. It's likely also common to for parent to set up an arranged marriage. With the the drop in their population it wouldn't be surprising.

Giving trophies from a dangerous kill to a potential mate in order to impress them is not a common practice. Looking back on Draenei history, they were an advanced society. Jewelry, flowers, dinners; stuff like that would be more likely to win a female's heart than the head or heart of some beast. If anything giving a trophy from some dead beast would likely disgust the female and may even lead her to believe the male is nuts. In the same vein, fighting another male over a female would likely end with the female thinking them both stupid. Especially if done in front of her.

Now, that's not to say male don't fight for fun or even over a woman (or women over men). Taking into account the design of the males it wouldn't be a surprise if they didn't have some boxing sport that incorporated the use of their headcrests/horns and tails.

While most Draenei are Lawful Good due to the Naaru's influence but it's safe to assume that there are still many that aren't strictly good. Outright evil, though, wouldn't be something that'd be very common or even existing at all. If they are outright evil then they are likely a Man'ari Eredar, which is bad and should be killed on sight. It would also be very rare to find a Draenei that has completely turned it's back on the Light or the Naaru. If they have they would have to have a very, very good reason for doing so and would likely be considered a pariah.

As stated somewhere above the Dranei likely learned their modern day hunting skills from the Orcs. That's not to say they didn't have them before but they would have likely been simple archers. They likely wouldn't have been very well trained in tracking and befriending the wildlife since much of the society was magic based.

It is also stated above that Shamanism came into play sometime in the past 60-75* years. This is because the Orcs didn't teach the Draenei their Shamanistic beliefs. The only learned from Nobundo who learned directly from the Elements themselves. It is also not as far spread amongst the Draenei as practice of the Light is.

Mages may not be as well liked either. Mainly due to the fact that magic was what caught the Legion's attention in the first place. However, it is still a very common practice. One of the top three when it comes to Draenei culture.

Draenei do not have last names. It is unknown if this is because they've had them or if it's due to the fact that they've lost so many members that they simply dropped the last names. Either way they don't have them. However, given their contact with the races of Azeroth some may choose to give themselves last names to "fit in". Either for deeds done, something that suits their role in life or perhaps just something they like the sound of.

*Once again unsure on the time here.

As far as biology goes it's a given fact that Draenei have blue blood. Taking this into account when they blush they wouldn't turn red but rather a darker blue or even darker purple (depending on skin color).

Tendrils, yes tendrils not tentacles, don't appear to be prehensile. They may have a little movement. Say for instance, curling up a bit at the tips when disgusted or something. It is also likely they have enough nerve endings to make things a little fun, if you get my drift. However, I don't see them being used to pick things up. That's just a little too weird, especially when there's the male option for them not to have them at all.

It is safe to assume that Draenei bones are thicker than most other races, making them harder to break but still breakable. Especially those in the skull. After all, those headcrests on the males are made of solid bone.

Quite honestly the tails should be longer than they appear in game, at least on the females. As they are they appear to have no real use at all other than to hang there limply. Looking at lot of official artwork the male's tales are at least twice as long as they appear in game, so it's safe to assume the same goes for the females.


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