Because just working with someone isn't enough

Jan 11, 2011 09:56

I've been increasingly testy lately, and my fellow roleplayers on Moon Guard are not helping.

I'll be straightforwardly ragey about this:  I hate the institution of slavery.  I hate it with a passion.  What I hate more is people who go out of their way to roleplay a slave--not to explore the question of whether involuntary servitude is a bad thing, ( Read more... )

blatant erper, flagrsp, night elf, ic actions have ic concequences, moon guard is made of fail, you make me sic, terminally screwball, exposition, controversial statement

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bricriu January 11 2011, 17:13:35 UTC
My issue with it has to do more with how they're butchering Night Elf lore to satisfy their domination fetish ( ... )


lurkythespork January 11 2011, 17:32:50 UTC
This goes too far for "your kink is not my kink." My tolerance has reached its limit on this.

"Slave" has a specific meaning. By definition, it does not involve consent. To be a slave is to be a nonperson. If the word means nothing, then why even use it?

I'm not a conspiracy theorist by any means, but I am all too familiar with how easily people can convince themselves that black is white--just in time to be trampled to death by stampeding zebras. One way of achieving this is to try to change the definition of "white" to include qualities of "black" (which may be a poor analogy, but just go with me here).

For someone to use the same word as "being utterly at the mercy of another person with no defense or recourse" for "my idea of sexytiems"...



bricriu January 11 2011, 17:39:08 UTC
"Slave" has a specific meaning. It has a specific meaning in the fetish community as well ( ... )


lurkythespork January 11 2011, 18:09:10 UTC
Don't worry. In a few hours, I'll have settled back into my usual dry misanthropy and gone back to not giving a rat's ass.

...And perhaps to not swearing. It takes a lot to make me swear.


Have a heaping plate of RAGE. bricriu January 11 2011, 18:18:46 UTC
Want me to whip up your ire with a tale of a Draenei (later an Orc) and a super femme Night Elf (later Blood Elf) tale of "OMG I saved u from sex slave auction (naughty trolls hold those all the time in STV, I guess), then forced the buttsecks on you to "get my money's worth" (I shit you not, that was the reason for why his DRAENEI SHAMAN would repeatedly anally rape the purchased 'slave'), and this makes you realize that ur ttly gay (because...I don't even know why? Anal rape makes men turn gay, I guess?) and we fall in happily ever after luv?" that one player I knew awhile back was SO UPSET he couldn't find a partner for?

And would get pissed when people refused to retcon or reroll a character to play this out with?

And then faction transferred Horde in a huff one day because he'd heard the Moon Guard Belf population was full of little femme ukebois that would be happy to be in that position with his Orc?

AND THEN got all pissed off and sulky when even THOSE ran away from his plot idea?

Because I have details on that one; he ( ... )


Re: Have a heaping plate of RAGE. lurkythespork January 11 2011, 19:36:36 UTC
I'm sorry, my gun barrel melted down a while ago. But thanks for offering more ammo! I may go out and get a new rifle just for this.

Ooh, it's incendiary rounds, too...You sure know what the murlocs like, don't you?


Re: Have a heaping plate of RAGE. bricriu January 11 2011, 19:41:18 UTC
I just wish it had been discussed IC so I could add it to Calleo's pile of "WTFery" stories.

At least I still have the "I think it'd be hot if pit lords raped you" woman.

She now plays a 13 year old Draenei 'sex slave', according to her DN posts.


Re: Have a heaping plate of RAGE. lurkythespork January 11 2011, 19:50:06 UTC

And I think it'd be hot if Calleo had set her head on fire.



Re: Have a heaping plate of RAGE. bricriu January 11 2011, 19:53:06 UTC
I was so taken aback OOC once I started to realize that she was SERIOUS that I just...froze IC.

Of course, that's not an illogical first reaction to, "Hey! It'd be fucking hot if this three story high demon raped the shit out of you!"

What really got me was that she (I say 'she' since the character was female) got pissed at me OOC when I told her there was no way this was happening, and she claimed I'd "wasted her time" for the past few months despite the fact that I'd been very clear that I wasn't interested in an ERP relationship or in a romantic relationship for RP and friends was a far as it would go.


Re: Have a heaping plate of RAGE. gizzybiscuits January 12 2011, 23:37:11 UTC
Wouldn't she get the boot for advertising for that?


lurkythespork January 11 2011, 17:37:21 UTC
On your other point, agreed. Night elves are tough, with a strong identity. This bullshit description of Tiramae being all jittery and nervous around other nelfs like they abused her...

*incoherent gargling noises*


bricriu January 11 2011, 17:40:10 UTC
The Barrow Downs guards freaked me out the first time I saw them.
Those are some bad ass looking women right there; I have a hard time imagining any of them being wibbly and weak. D:


inc teal deer tehjai January 11 2011, 23:28:56 UTC
Yeah. Night elf women even more so. I'm not saying the men are waify pushovers or anything like that, but if I was to play a former slave - and I mean slave in terms of being property, not a fetish-slave - and be a night elf woman, I'd have my character get drunk in bars and tell raucous stories about how she ripped "Master's" throat out.

With her teeth.

Night elves are badass. The women just as much as the men if not more; that's not necessarily sexism, it's how their society works. I believe it's almost a lore point that even the orcs are scared shitless of them because they have a brand of savagery that is easily brought out in battle ( ... )


Re: inc teal deer metalsyko January 12 2011, 00:31:16 UTC
The women just as much as the men if not more; that's not necessarily sexism, it's how their society works. I believe it's almost a lore point that even the orcs are scared shitless of them because they have a brand of savagery that is easily brought out in battle.

There are several orcs in Ashenvale who are LOVING the tussles going on at Splintertree and elsewhere, because they consider the night elves incredibly awesome and worthy opponents because they are so batshit savage. The orcs who replace the forsaken squadron that is an escort/defend quest makes several comments about how sure, the night elves look willowy and frail, but they're some of the most worthy and badass opponents he's ever had the privilege of fighting. (Although there are several who dislike their tactic of sniping from the shadows.)

And when an orc goes all Klingon war philosophy on your race being martial badasses, you can take that to the gorram bank.


Re: inc teal deer tehjai January 12 2011, 00:48:50 UTC
Hmm, that's interesting. I don't usually play Horde, but it's good to know I didn't pull that factoid entirely out of my butt.

I love the night elves and their attitude. Their politics I could take or leave, but damn they're fun.

That my female toon is prone to fits of bouncing really makes her lose all badass credibility, but that's another rant for another day.


Re: inc teal deer managoddess January 12 2011, 13:38:01 UTC
IIRC, even in WC3 Grom said they were the "perfect warriors". Which, I mean, godDAMN.


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