The Apocolyptic Role Playing Summit.

Nov 28, 2010 23:46

  So I'm not exactly sure what to tag this one but I just had to share it.

Tonight our realm had a Role Playing Summit/Meeting for the Horde's role playing guilds.Now my guild has been around for a long time, we've been role playing on this realm for a long time and we're some what respected as the oldest role playing guild on the realm. ( Read more... )

funny story, sentinels, yer doin it wrong, game logic

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strokemybow November 29 2010, 09:27:14 UTC

... )


strokemybow November 29 2010, 09:30:35 UTC
that is super hard to see so here:
... )


O NOES foolishtyphron November 29 2010, 16:48:34 UTC

There's so much wrong with that sentence it's hard to make any other kind of joke other than pointing, laughing, and getting angry. Like, her having to hold an enormous grudge for a good 7 years for little reason. :/


rhaevyn_cw November 29 2010, 18:14:59 UTC
Troll shaman chick is yet another alt of someone who has been featured on WCS on at least 3 or 4 of her characters. I started looking them up, but the fail was too much. In any case, she's a former guildmate, caused a lot of IC and OOC drama in guild, we weren't sad to see her go, and told her "snowball's chance in Hell" when she tried to come back. Her drama-bombing of the meeting was just par for the course.

If the meeting did ANY good, it was that it gathered so many sailors on the HMS Failboat together in one spot so my on-again/off-again RPing guildies could see for themselves who to /ignore in one fell swoop so they could feel comfortable RPing openly again.

Then we had a nice little guild RP session down in Bloodhoof Village, so things ended on a good note for us.


metalsyko November 29 2010, 23:09:37 UTC
. In any case, she's a former guildmate, caused a lot of IC and OOC drama in guild, we weren't sad to see her go,

I'm biting my tongue SO HARD to keep me from typing my initial knee-jerk response. *sputters* The whole fainting spell in the middle of the meeting was in INCREDIBLY bad taste, but then again so was inviting horribads like Que Sera Sera and The Pretentions Latin Guild Name that went "BAWWWW WE'RE THE SHIP OF MISFIT TOYS", and anyone who hangs out with Shardin. ...then again, the antics of the belf from Duskguard who was using the quest reward from Azshara to turn into a goblin was in pretty poor taste as well. Apparently Lorenz was right well miffed with all the bads' antics.

I kept wanting to do a big ooc yell at PA going "I HOPE YOU GUYS ARE GETTING ALL THESE SCREENSHOTS, HOLY CRAP IT'S LIKE CHRISTMAS FOR WCS", but I restrained myself. (I was Tahonda, the tauroo pallydan.)


strokemybow November 29 2010, 23:11:38 UTC

i lol'd so hard and all i could think of was wcs through this entire meeting.


rhaevyn_cw November 30 2010, 00:09:06 UTC
Yeeeeeah, we let her in because at the time she wasn't known for being a drama-llama. Oh, how we learned. And then SHE learned when she hit my enrage timer when she wanted back in. Don't fuck with a fire mage, yo.

But yeah...the shit-kicking and drama-whoring were all in bad taste. I really think most of those people have a shallow idea of their characters summed up with "We rebel against authority." Even if they contradict themselves (PA members noted they were joining in the "Lok'tar Ogar! For the Horde!" while also spewing Garrosh-hate), they're going to disagree just to disagree and make a big fuss about how awesome they are for being disagreeable.

Of course, it's not like we expected these people to know the actual lore at this point, right? RIGHT?!


metalsyko November 30 2010, 00:57:56 UTC
HTML fail, derp.

That was NSM at the time when we invited a certain half-elf forsaken rogue who was also in PA *coughcoughcoughcough*

When I was put on the list I started rambling off the list of invited people aloud to kitten_cudgel and got to names like Raern and Fortuna and Shardin and Haruhiko and his voice got all funny and high-pitched and he started going "HARUHIKO? WHAT MAKES THIS GUY THINK THAT INVITING HARUHIKO AND FORTUNA AND SHARDIN TO THIS THING IS GOING TO BE A GOOD IDEA?!"

Them the fail started and he got to go all "I told you sooooooooooooo~". I mean, the guy got what he invited, and it was kind of naive of him to expect the summit to go all civil and nicey-nice when he had people like those come along.


rhaevyn_cw November 30 2010, 01:47:41 UTC
Oh yeah. One of the other few who hit my enrage timer. THAT'S a story and a half.

Anyway, I warned PA members about who was on the list before sending them invites. They wanted to show up anyway. It could have been a powder keg. But it still went as "well" as expected.

I just wish my RP mod was working so I could have been reading the flags that were there.


metalsyko November 30 2010, 03:58:14 UTC
Yeah, I remember telling Uga about that whole debacle and him going all "...wat". (This was compounded on that whole Marcato incident where he was raving about "IF YOU RP WITH PER IT'S LIKE ME RAPING YOUR MOTHER". Hand to god, he said that allowing Per to join NSM ON AN ALT because Per was a lore-stretchybendy Trelf that it equated to him showing up and raping our mother.) It bled over into so much other shit, too, completely non-related to RP. It's complete silliness now, but kitten_cudgel has a pretty skurry enrage timer too. ._.

Salorast (who's another lore-bendystretchy but is getting better thanks to NSM's patented Don't Be Bad rehab program) showed up while we were all going off in our ooc chat about it, and we were all just sitting on our bench going "...dang."

I was using FlagRSP and apparently missed alllll the good MRP flags. D:


rhaevyn_cw November 30 2010, 22:34:04 UTC

Sounds like we have different debacles to dish about. What say we set up a night for PA and NSM to meet in one of Orgrimmar's bars for drinks and gossip, eh?

I managed to get the new version of TotalRP2 (it's only in French, but my college major finally paid off?) but it's not seeing other people's flags. =/ Been dragging my heels about switching to MRP, but might have to do it anyway.


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