The Apocolyptic Role Playing Summit.

Nov 28, 2010 23:46

  So I'm not exactly sure what to tag this one but I just had to share it.

Tonight our realm had a Role Playing Summit/Meeting for the Horde's role playing guilds.Now my guild has been around for a long time, we've been role playing on this realm for a long time and we're some what respected as the oldest role playing guild on the realm. Unfortunately I was unable to attend as my bank account is crying and my WoW account is currently frozen until next month. However I was on Ventrilo and my wife (who is stationed about five feet away from me) attended this "meeting of the minds"

It started out well enough given the list of guests, around sixty percent of them have been featured at least once on our lovely community. It starts with guild introductions which were by all accounts flowery, self serving and dripping with purple prose. It then moved on to discussions on what was going on in the wake of the Cataclysm (Of course before all the events have unfolded and the expansion is actually even released) This of course lead to heated Anti-Garrosh debates being lead by a Blood Elf Living Death Knight of all things. I mean that's the person who should be speaking out about bad leadership right?

Anyway it all degenerates into complete chaos with a bunch of infighting and absolutely nothing being accomplished except proving that the terribads were still terribad. The cat who put this together, though having the right intentions, basically went into SMC and invited any cat with an RSP then was honestly flabbergasted and actually mad things turned out the way they did.

Now I told you that story so I could tell you this one...

Among all this fail there was a shining beacon of all that is fail. A female Tauren who is emoting about being the long lost secret relative of Cairne's nonexistent sister. That's right we were gifted to be amongst Tauren royalty *chuckles* and wait it gets better. Not only is she the long lost secret niece of Cairne and cousin of Bane the details of her tragic past, that she decided to try and share with anyone who so much as targeted her, were the icing on the proverbial fail cake. Her mother, she explained to us as she attempted to get strokemybow  to invite her to join our guild, was killed in outlands by none other than our glorious new Warchief in training Garrosh Hellscream. See folks that just goes to show that no matter how bad you know something is going to turn out there is always that shiny little silver lining of complete fail to brighten one's day. I seriously hope someone got screen shots of her and her "lore".

funny story, sentinels, yer doin it wrong, game logic

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