The Bitch is Back

Jan 06, 2008 19:26

Some of you may have remembered when I made this post about a certain World of Warcraft Mary Sue. I also posted that she had moved servers from my home realm, Silver Hand. Well guess what? Karma decided I haven't had enough kicks in the ass in this game and allowed her to transfer back to my realm! Ode to fucking joy.

But if this was all misfortune then I wouldn't have bothered to post now would I? Perhaps, but there is some glee to be had from all of this. Why?

"Server politics," as Miss J (which is what we'll call her from now on) puts it, has curtailed all attempts to join other more prominent RP guilds on Silver Hand. Now, our server is old and been around since launch; RP is for the most part dead. However RPers and the like still exist in small pockets and do they remember Miss J and her shitty characters with their drama? Apparently the answer is a resounding YES (thank you God).

The results of these "server politics" has put Miss J into a corner to force to reopen her own small RP guild where the majority of the members are her lowbie alts, an alt of her boyfriend and one of my own guild's member's alts. This makes me happy in a number of ways, 1.) her chances to infiltrate another guild and spread her nonsense has been diminished, 2.) her attempts at recruiting others has resulted in lackluster results, meaning people do not wish to join her smarmy ass guild, and 3.) that what I saw coming to her is finally coming into fruition.

Miss J will always have those small few who will attach themselves to her in such force they wish they were an ass wart but those who do are no loss to the RP community or to me. But will she spread her tentacles around like she did before, spreading her drama disease to guilds and almost forcing them to break up due to her? I doubt it. Granted she almost did it (again) right after she transferred with a newly budding guild but Miss J was smart enough to remove her own ass out of that instance and the guild remained intact with no loss of membership. As of right now she is currently trying to get whatever friends she has left and to raid with them in some ways with her horrible priest (and she can't heal for beans). And to think! Her excuse for leaving the server she originally transferred to was to answer the call of a friend and to avoid the 25-man raiding, and yet here she is trouncing around in the epics she gleaned out of the raid guild she joined months prior on the last server, only to leave them. There is nothing about this person that doesn't irritate me. If it's not her RP it's her raiding politics. If it's not that it's the way she manipulates people. What a bitch.

I can take some hope in the idea that her day of quitting is drawing near. She doesn't have the unsuspecting pool of RPers to tamper with anymore, not on a server like Silver Hand. And I hope, from there, I shall never see her presence on another MMO. Here's hoping.

x-posted to marysues and bad_rpers_suck

sockpuppet, dramallama, forum drama

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